By Tess’s Time with Jesus
Dear Lord Jesus do you have a word for us today?
Yes, my daughter I do.
Message received 4:23 PM August 1st 2018
My daughter, take my words down
My remnant, more battles, more trials, more sorrows are coming. These truly are dark times you live in. My remnant bride, I ask you to go into your prayer closets and pray like never before. Surrender everything to Me and let Me take control. Repent of your sins and ask for My blood covering. No more time to play in the world and be like the world. You, My bride, are not of this world. The storm is here. The calls to repentance and warnings are dying down because I am at the door and there are too many lukewarm, cold-hearted people who refuse to recognize that they are in end times, and that I am coming back. 99% of those who call themselves disciples of Mine have no idea what is at hand. Me and My Father are looking over the earth and we see very few are ready for my return. So only a few will be taken. All others will be left behind. The church age will end very soon when I take My true servants to safety(Heaven). I have warned over and over for My people to repent, yet so few are listening few are willing to take up their crosses deny themselves and follow after Me. The only savior of mankind !!! Tess time is running out! It is time to stop focusing on this world, idols and other worthless things and time to focus on Me. I am about to shake this earth like never before! Be ready! I am coming! My remnant, stay in prayer. Stay in My word. Shalom. Behold I am coming quickly. YAHUSHUA