Sharon Garrison
July 28, 2016
Do you, children, believe this time will continue on as it is now forever? I have patiently waited until all else you would see the error of your ways and turn from them. This is not the case. I tell you now, I am separating the wheat from the tares. Does your mind tell you you are fine? But I tell you that your heart speaks the truth. I have told you that my judgment has begun, and there is only one life preserver. Yes, that is me. If you think your vanities will save you, you better think again because those idols will sink along with all the other evils the people of the earth desire so. I have had it day after day waiting for some glimmer of hope from the darkest parts of the earth, so now I am stepping in and I will make all mine right. Many of you say, Oh, where is his coming? Just hold on, and I tell you; you will see. You will see all hell break loose on your earth. You have trampled under foot all I have loved, and it has angered me. (talks to his children.) Hold on, My beloveds, do not fear what is to come for I will protect all whom are mine. You are mine . You whom are mine are precious cargo, and I will save you. Hold on, my beauties; endure until the end. (From Father God Yahweh.) Stop gossiping. Leviticus 19:16..