
Fasting: Little-Known Weapon – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Fasting: Little-Known Weapon

November 1, 2023 9:52 PM

Fasting is a powerful weapon in the hands of my children. When used in conjunction with following my word, my children are able to make it to higher levels within the soul. By denying the flesh you speed up the process of cleansing and purifying your spirit. The flesh, when denied, is put into the background. It is buried a little bit with each denial of anything that represents your fleshly desires. Whether it be fasting from food, television, computer games or anything your flesh has become attached to, you are strengthening your soul. As you purge yourself from fleshly desires, you become closer to I Am. It is a direct and immediate path to the spirit within you.
When you take on too many fleshly desires, your soul gets buried among the many diversions you take on while on Earth. Focus on denying the flesh to advance your soul, for the times we are in, you will need to be in spirit, as much as possible.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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