“Fast & Pray, the Battle is Not Yours but God’s!” – Mary B Dovie
August 26, 2018
“My child, the calls go out to fast and pray for the enemies of God are moving in waves of darkness, but, Fear Not!
Look and see what I did in Jehoshaphat’s day, when the armies of those who should have been allies, came out against Judah to destroy her.
Read and see those who once were spared by the LORD’s direction came against the Land of His Inheritance.
It is an hour to make time to bring your hearts into alignment for what I AM doing in this American Land.
I took Israel for My inheritance, but this American Land was offered up to Me by the Founders.
They knew it was My hand that delivered them from the mightiest fighting force of their times. They “Appealed to Heaven”and declared Me as the only King of this nation.
As you make supplication and repent for the past sins of this nation and the Church of America, will I not hear and defend?
I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever. True repentance rises from godly sorrow.
This is a sweet aroma to Me. Obedience to My Word brings a swift response from My hand.
I turned the enemies of Jehoshaphat and they destroyed one another. I wrought many miracles for the Revolutionary forces that confounded the British.
The British grew over confident because they thought they were fighting mere men. They were wrong.
I AM not a politician. I AM KING of this American Land!
Righteousness and Justice are the foundations of My Throne. The dark one and his minions are fearful that My people will rise up and begin to declare the prophetic truth of this land’s destiny just like Jahaziel did for Judah.
I have given words of instruction and encouragement through many prophetic voices. “Be not afraid, for the battle is not yours, but Mine,” says your KING.
Believe the prophetic words spoken by the men and women of God and prosper in these times of great peril.
I have not changed. I AM the Creator and I AM more than able to take back the ground that the enemy has encroached upon.
The war between the Light and the darkness wages on furiously. But see with the eyes of faith and be comforted.
Look and you will see Me as the Vanguard with My Angel Armies.
The dark ones will begin to turn on one another. Pray for the souls who are trapped in the clutches of evil. Some will turn and become children of the Light.
Words of instruction and encouragement have been released. Now, choose to obey and believe that I AM able and My hand is extended to bring order and restoration to the foundations of My American Church and the American government.
Trust Me. Obey Me. All is well. Shalom.”
Scripture: “Thus says the LORD to you: ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s,” 2 Chron. 20:1-4, 13-15, NKJV