November 10, 2021 12:59 PM
Patti Young
The Lord began talking to me about his storehouses. He said
“Fear not, for the famine is rising up ahead. I see not as man sees, for I know all these things. FAMINE is soon arising in your land, famine in your nation. I tell my beloved ones to fear not, for am I not your sustenance, I AM your storehouse, for am I not your provision? Did I not turn the water into wine, shall I not perform for my own in the days ahead? Did I not extend my hand with the 5 loaves and the two fish? Did I not extend the flour and the oil through Elijah for the widow and her son? I tell you I change not, look to me for again I shall perform all these things and even more in the coming days ahead. I AM Jehovah what is it that I cannot do? I tell you I feed the sparrow from my hand, and how much more shall I do for my own flock. Be of good cheer I say unto my own, for I have overcome the world and am the same in season and and out of season.. Surely you have not seen the righteous forsaken nor my seed begging for bread.