Faith is the key
Jan 2, 2020 12:37 PM
Sara Lynch
I received this word in spirit during prayer on the morning of December 28th.
I am being led to share today.
“Come to Me often, children of the Most High.
I will heal your hearts when you are troubled.
Fear not, for I AM is with each and every one of you.
Hide in Me, children. In Me you shall be protected and shielded from any harm the enemy has planned.
Your faith pleases Me.
Those with a spirit of fear are far from Me.
Children, precious doves, your world grows cold. Many have hardened hearts and they fall into the traps and snares of the enemy.
My Holy Spirit guides you above and away from those traps.
Trust My voice, small, gentle and comforting.
Allow My healing love to envelope you as the darkness increases around you.
My children shall shine with MY perfect love.
Ruptures and fractures come soon.
A mighty shaking shall occur. Science will struggle to explain.
You, MY children, will know it is your LORD who causes this, NOT MAN.
Trust in My promises as you see and hear of these natural disasters, they are meant to return those who are lost.
I will not return until all who are promised to Me have returned to My loving embrace.
Faith, Children, that is the key.
I have revealed to My messengers events that shall come to pass very soon.
Prepare quickly, My bride.
Warnings will cease when those I’ve chosen hear that time has come.
My messengers are weary yet remain obedient.
Seek ME, My children, I will give you confirmations but you must seek ME!!
Chose MY Kingdom, loves.
Do not allow wrath or pride or lust of this world to trap you.
I came to set the captives free, so there is NO reason to remain in bondage, beautiful ones.
I love you, children.
Walk with ME daily for your redemption draweth nigh, doves.
Your Savior Yeshua