
Ezekiel 21 – Only A Grain Of Sand

Ezekiel Chapter 21 Verses 1-3 A Difficult Word On Israel
March 6, 2019 By Only A Grain Of Sand

V 1-2 “And the word of the Lord came to me saying: Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem…and prophesy against the land of Israel.”

The enemies of My people have encircled them. The plans are made and set to begin. To preserve their places of power corrupted men will divide My land, without counting the cost. The election is immanent but is a vote for death. The hyenas await the moment of the kill, their slather and drool will be answered by My Hand, in due time. They will later be crushed.

V 3 And say to the land of Israel: thus saith the Lord God: Behold I come against thee, and I will draw forth my sword out of its sheath, and will cut off in thee the just and the wicked.”

(This word was very upsetting to me as I was looking for a word of consolation and initially rejected it. It is hard for me to write as many holy Jews and Christians will die in Israel shortly as a result of this coming attack. Their martyred blood is sacred seed for the eventual integration of the peoples of the Old & New Testaments, but a great sorrow to contemplate.)

The murderous fury of those who want to destroy My people will be seen by the whole world. You will mourn in your bitterness for a matchless reign of terror will play out and cleanse the land. Cleanse the land of the spirits of Secular Humanism, Rationalism, Nationalism, Racial Pride, Atheism and Materialism: that abandoned the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob to history and ancient texts. They will call out to YHWH in their desperation finally and I will hear them in due time, and they shall accept Yahushua Ha Mashiach.

Pray For Israel All You Sons & Daughters Of Adam & Eve.

Only A Grain Of Sand


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