August 21, 2018
If you want to be pleasing to Me and be found worthy to Inherit My Everlasting Kingdom, you must be willing to exchange the world for Me and My Everlasting Kingdom. Be separate, although you are still in the world, you are not of it. You belong to Me and My Everlasting Kingdom that is not of the world. You are a Temple of My Holy Spirit. You must exchange unholiness and unrighteousness for Holiness and Righteousness because without it, no one will see Me nor inherit My Everlasting Kingdom. Do not be deceived. You must exchange darkness for Light. I Am The Light of the world. You must be children of Light and not of darkness.
You must exchange, evil for good, death for Life. The wages of sin is death. You must repent and turn from your wrongful ways because there will be no mercy without true remorseful repentance. Exchange turmoil for Peace. Be in Peace with Me. I Give Peace that surpasses all human understanding, even in the midst of turmoil.
Those who are hopeless, exchange your hopelessness for Hope. There is always Hope with Me. I Am Hope. I Do not Change nor do I Fail nor Disappoint. Put all your Hope and Trust in Me for who I Am and for what I Am able to do. I work all things out for good for those who Love Me who are being called according to My Plan and Purpose.
“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” Matthew 16:26