Dream, Famine

Everything was GONE – Cassandra


Everything was GONE

December 27, 2020 12:33 PM

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I have two dreams to share warning of the coming famine. I didn’t share the first dream yet, and was given another probably to move me to share it here, and also like in the Bible, twice for emphasis. Please take this and everything you read and listen to YHWH, Yahushua and the Ruach HaKodesh for confirmation. I would also like to add to please also PRAY for DISCERNMENT on everything you read and listen to. There are conflicting Words even on this site. I know Handmaid of the Most High speaks the truth. I wish comments were open again!

12/10/20 I had a brief dream of trying to find groceries on a Sun. evening at a Target. I would never typically grocery shop at that time or at Target. Nearly everything was GONE. All I saw were some sickly looking old carrots.

12/24/20 I dreamed of FOOD and other things being BACKORDERED. Again, I don’t typically order groceries; I go in person. I know many ARE ordering groceries these days, and when the tighter lockdowns commence many of us may be forced to. BACKORDERED…as we know…means those items are not available and they in some cases they don’t know WHEN or IF they will be available.

As a reminder, I have also been shown that grocery prices will inflate exponentially soon. I was moved to read up on Weimar Germany years ago…Venezuela…read up on what it is like in other countries that have suffered from hyperinflation. For me personally..it is hard to know how much to stock up on, and what. I have prayed on this, but also think I may be moving soon. I will just leave it at that.

Please pray for me, and I am praying for all of you! I hope you all enjoyed Hanukkah and seeing the Bethlehem star, conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. We were chosen for such a time as this!

Blessings, encouragement, and shalom,


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