Prepare, Word

Everything is about to change – Alison Pound

Everything is about to change

Word for the people

Mar 31, 2020, 7:19 PM
Alison Pound

I was given this yesterday, Tuesday 31st March2020

In this day and in this hour, the Son of God is holding out His hand. He holds it out for judgement, and he holds it out for mercy that many would take hold of Him and be saved.

So think today of His right hand. Mercy, and Salvation.

You are in the hour before the storm breaks loose.
Governments rise and governments fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever.

Whose ways will you walk in?  The government’s ways or the ways of the Lord? For they are not the same.  Choices must be made by My people. Be ready to make your choice.

I have shortened the days, that you must endure yet a little while.

Take heed.

Everything is about to change for you, again. Prepare your heart. Prepare your home.

I encourage you all to search the Scriptures for mention of God’s Right Hand. This is a word for this hour we are in now.

God bless

Alison Pound


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