
Everything Happens For a Reason – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Everything Happens For a Reason

1/14/25 11:26 AM


Everything happens for a reason. Death, loss, and change are major indicators that change my children and others around them. Sometimes change is necessary to get those closer to their creator.

Many of my children are stubborn and set in their ways, thoughts, and beliefs and think they can continue with no consequences. I Am there to guide and lead you if you will follow. If you will pay attention.

Most who need change must go through upheavals to wake-up to their indifference. I give change to wake-up your soul to what is necessary to live, to thrive, to be part of my Kingdom.

Even change that is horrendous has its benefits, though they are not seen at that time. Give change a chance to grow your soul. To give you sustenance you have never experienced before. Grow towards I Am and leave all unwanted baggage behind.

When you find I Am, you will find many of the answers you have been looking for in this darkened world.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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