Eternal Rewards
January 27, 2022, 1:11 PM
Brian Lake
“So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.” Matthew 20: 16
There are many people in the States and around the world who depend on 444 News for their daily bread from the Lord. Many Believers, young and old, look to the site for understanding and instruction in the Word.
I would like to clear up the misconceptions that some folks have about 444 News. 444 Prophecy is a one man operation run by Mr. Jonathan Theiben. He and his family live in a “12×24 House” in a small town (Cisco) in the Texas Hill Country. I used to own a field close to where Jonathan lives, but was forced to sell due to financial hardship.
Jonathan depends on the meager income from ads on his website to support his family. Occasionally, people will send in offerings to help. The website is run from his cell phone.
You might ask me why I also help him financially, since he does not have a 501 (c) (3) designation and the contributions are not tax deductible? The answer is that I know the great eternal rewards that Jonathan will receive in Heaven, and I want to participate in a small way.
Jonathan is a tireless worker for the Great Commission. He works 24/7—365 days a year. He does not get vacation time or holidays off from the website. I encourage you to consider what a blessing his website has been to you, and send him a generous offering. In addition, please include him and his family in your prayers.
In Christ,
Brian Lake
444News Note:
If everyone gave $1 or higher on Pateron. The ads would no longer be necessary. The set goal to make this happen is $2000. The donations is what keeps the website up and pays the bills. My wife will lose her new job February 1st do to having to get either the vaccine or weekly c-test. We don’t want to subject our temple to such devilish devices. My income for my day job ¾ of my check goes to child support. And If my day job ever requires the test or Vax. The ONLY money coming in will be from donations from viewers or ads.
When the website went down week of Christmas 2021. I had to buy my own server cause the shared server could no longer handle the traffic. This has increased the monthly cost to keep the website up and running. It is based in an offshore nation away from Babylon The Great [USA]. Safer then being in California where it was before.
If you would like to help keep the website up and remove the ads please sign up on Pateron link below.