Endure – Lasttrumpet777
July 11, 2018
You must endure until the very end, if you want to have Eternal Life. Those who withdraw from Me before the time and do not return in time, will be very disappointed, but only have themselves to blame.
The race is not for the swift but for those who are willing and determined to endure and to press on until the very end. They will receive the prize of Eternal Life. You must run the race set before you and according to My Rules. Those who lose hope and give up before the end, it will be all in vain.
Endure and persevere no matter all the obstacles. Trials and tribulation you will have. You are able to be victorious, overcomers. You can do all things through Me who strengthens you, without Me you can do nothing. I Am your Source of Life. Victory is assured with Me. Stay with Me until the very end. I Am always with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I Am your Perfect Example. I will Help and Sustain you. Call on Me, I Am always available. I Hear and I will Answer you. I Love and I Care for you. I do not Fail nor do I Disappoint. Endure and you will not be disappointed.