ENCOURAGING Prophetic dream about transformation and a vision
Victoria Ang
Last night I was given a dream about the Spiritual battles that I have been fighting here on earth… In the dream I had my sword in hand (the sword of the Holy Spirit). You could not see physically the evil spirits with the naked eye, but I could see them. I cut them up with the sword I was swinging. And they were laying in a pile. An unknown man (the Lord ) came and told me it was time to get ready and changed. ( transformation). He led me to a dressing room with a door. He opened the door and I entered the room. He said he would be back very soon to get me . (His return ) I was made known I was to paint my face red. ( FULLY COVERED AND PROTECTED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS) I applied the paint and just as I was finishing the unknown man (the Lord ) came back and was examining my face to make sure it was FULLY covered in this red paint because in order to go to the next place of work ( helping bring in the final harvest) the paint had to be completely covering me. There was just a small spot on my face that needed to be “touched up” to give complete covering . The man completed applying the red paint that needed “touching up. “He took my hand and opened another door in the opposite side from the one I entered (completion of the transformation ) … And the dream ended…..
Upon awaking I was given a vision of an EVERGREEN TREE. Which is symbolic of ETERNAL LIFE OR IMMORTALITY!!
Be blessed, stay encouraged and keep in prayer!! Hold tight to our precious Lord ,Jesus Christ for strength to get through !