Each day from now on is a gift from Me
January 2, 2021 9:29 AM
JFKree Freedom
January 2, 2021
My love, you need to get your house in order as I have reminded you before. Take time to sort out monetary quabbles, foibles, and other difficulties that might make life difficult for your family if I take you home soon.
Each day from now on is a gift from Me. The enemy wants you dead, and their plan to kill you is warp speed, full throttle ahead! Don’t worry, I laugh at the enemy of your souls, his plans are no surprise to Me.
Those of you occupied with survival and discovering all tactics of the evil one, lay aside your mouse and stop researching. You’ll just make yourself sick with worry. Truly, lay it down, take a break from the technology, and get into My Word.
What does it say? You are allowed to worry if it’s the end of the world? Um, let me clarify that for you: No. And no! Seriously, Saint, act like a warrior ready for battle. Are you a deserter or Braveheart going into the fray? No need to plan ahead in a worldly way. If you’re meant to survive I will make sure that happens. Leave the details to me.
Are you called to leave America? Press in and ask with a whole, clean heart and I will answer your prayer. Will you be able to fulfill your dreams in this life? For many, the answer is no. Where did you get those dreams in the first place? Your heart? What does My Word say about the heart? Follow it? But no, it says it’s deceitful above all else. Beware of its schemes, my child, for many are selfish and not originated from Me. I love you, my child, but you must lay some things down at My altar. I died for you, so you can die to a few things in your life, can’t you?
Love, Yeshua and Father
Quabble – disorderly fighting; an unceremonious and disorganized struggle (urban dictionary)
Foible – Mistake (urban dictionary)
Bible verses:
There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
-Proverbs 6:16-18
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? -Jeremiah 17:9
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. -Psalm 118:24
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children -Proverbs 13:22a
Flee from Babylon! Save yourselves! Don’t get trapped in her punishment! It is the LORD’s time for vengeance; he will repay her in full. -Jeremiah 51:6