Dream: White Horse
June 22, 2024 1:48 AM
I had a dream early this morning, in which I suddenly found myself fully dressed (it seemed like it was the very early hours of the morning, maybe, as it was still dark outside), walking down the street, in the direction of a certain street here in my hometown. I was WALKING ALONE, no one else in sight, and it was half dark, still, outside.
In the dream, as I was walking, it was as if I suddenly came to myself n realised what was happening, where I was, what I was doing, where I was going. My thoughts, as I was looking at myself fully dressed, and looking where I was, and what I was doing, was “When did this happen?!? WHEN did I wake up, get dressed and leave home to come here?!? When DID I START WALKING?
I had absolutely no recollection of doing that!
And WHERE Am I going!?! To DO WHAT!?!”
This “Awakening”, realising where I was, that I was fully dressed, not knowing where I was going or why I was walking somewhere, as if I was on such a MISSION to go somewhere, happened as, suddenly, A WHITE VAN/minibus CAME SPEEDING UP THE ROAD, IN MY DIRECTION & THEN PASSING ME. As it left, I was LEFT ALONE IN THE ROAD, AGAIN, on this mission going somewhere, yet NOT KNOWING WHERE I WAS GOING, OR WHY I WAS THERE.
As I was thinking, and asking GOD, WHY AM I HERE? Where am I GOING AT THIS HOUR? When did I get dressed!?!, just totally unable to KNOW WHEN I GOT DRESSED AND HOW I CAME TO THAT POINT IN THE ROAD, WITHOUT ME KNOWING IT,
SO I TURNED AROUND TO LOOK UP INTO THE SKY. I LOOKED UP EXCITED, FULL OF Expectancy TO SEE GOD, OR WHAT HE WOULD SHOW ME. And Then I Saw It Clearly..! A Cloud-Like Image of A White Horse!!! I Looked, And Looked Again, Going,,” IS THAT A.. WHITE HORSE!?! IT IS, ISN’T IT, LORD? I WISH I HAD A CAMERA SO I COULD TAKE A PICTURE OF IT, AND SO THAT PEOPLE COULD BELIEVE THAT I SAW IT!” Knowing the Scriptures in Revelation I remember wondering fleetingly, in that moment, about the rider n the bow, but I wasn’t shown that. Only the image of the white horse, in the Sky.
While I was thinking about not having a camera with me, and still looking at the image, it slowly started disappearing. As the vision vanished, I walked back home, where I found my daughter who asked me where I have been, and I told her the whole story. How I found myself walking down that road and that God showed me the white horse in the Sky.
In the final part of my dream, my children and I were walking together through the neighborhood. There was a meeting being advertised at first, and then actually being held, for youth, it seemed. It was held in a hall somewhere and as we passed there, there was a lot of hustling n bustling about. We walked past this hall where all of this was happening, turned down the road and came to a food stall where a woman was selling food that she cooked there on the street, on some kind of gas cooker.
We bought some food from her to eat, talking to her about what she had made, but that part of the dream is too vague for me to remember. Then, finally we were inside a house, or lodging, where a couple’s grandparents used to live. It seemed like this lodgings had been left to them. This couple, with their children, seemed to also be visiting this place with us at that moment, inspecting the condition of it and what could be salvaged or what they would do about it.
At first it seemed the room we were in, was a mess and if there were 3 unmade beds, but then at some point I saw that no, there were 5, 6 or maybe more beds, neatly arranged, one next to the other, neatly made, like when people go camping n share lodgings, and the room can fit many people to sleep in. The couple whose grandparents place it had been, had some argument off to the side, during which the husband complained about his wife, “If Only the Screaming could stop! If Only she would stop Screaming!”
The wife left the room and I was talking to the husband, careful to not seem to be talking to him alone, for too long. I cannot recall, though, what exactly I told him.
This dream was told here to the best of my ability to remember it.
… It is my understanding that the White Horse symbolises False Peace.
You can check out this sermon,
Blessings in Christ
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