Warning, Destruction, Nuclear

Dream & Vision: America’s Doom – Mik Sadasey

My vision began with COMPLETE chaos. People were running and in PANIC mode. This was not something they were expecting. In the distance I saw a mushroom explosion in progress. Then I saw a huge blimp coming towards us and it had H2 written on it. Below me I saw a boat that was basically a tank on water. It shot missiles towards the land as it approached. Then I met with my wife and she was speaking to me really fast and telling me to listen, what I’m about to tell you is really important. All I remember her mentioning was Romans 8:11.

The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. (Romans 8:11 NLT)

After waking up I did some research on what H2 meant. I’m assuming it was a hydrogen bomb. I found out that “Hydrogen bombs function like nuclear bombs, like those dropped during World War II, only on a much larger scale.”

Prior to this, I had a dream where I was walking down a dark road where I saw a ton of dead animals all over the road, even baby elephants and their eye sockets were empty (very disturbing).

I believe these dreams are related to each other. I believe the animals that died were because of the hydrogen bomb in my vision and their eyes melted.


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