
Dream: The Unholy Union – Rebecca Roberts

Dream: The Unholy Union – Rebecca Roberts

January 19, 2019 11:18 AM

Early this morning I had a dream. A young women, who was very much in love with a young man, married. The dream took me to their wedding night. The young woman quickly learned that he had no love for her. He violently assaulted her taking everything pure away from her. She pleaded with him to stop. He was hurting her, but he would not.

When he finished, he tossed her aside. Ignoring her, he took up his cell phone and continued with his life. The young woman crawled into a dark, damp corner. She was hurting, naked and ashamed. Here, she wept. She had given herself to a man who was not ordained to be her husband.

As I awoke, I contemplated the dream. I could feel the pain and the fear that the young woman was experiencing. I also felt her shame as she was alone in the dark corner.

And then the Lord told me the meaning of the dream.

The young woman is everyone who has chosen an unholy union in this world. They have fallen for the lies of a man instead of seeking the Lord’s face.

They have left their first love.

When the judgments fall, these people will realize that they had been violently accosted, lied to, and deceived. They will be broken and ashamed.

2 Cor 11:2 “For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.”


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