Diana Pulliam
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
During the evening of November 23, 2015, I had a continuous string of dreams throughout the night of terrorists coming into churches and firing upon the congregations. The dreams were one after the other, with me waking up briefly between each dream. Each time, as I awakened, I heard myself praying fervently in the Spirit before losing consciousness again.
These dreams were very distinct and separate, in that the scene in each took place at an entirely new location – happening at different churches. In some, I was like a fly on the wall, watching from a corner of the ceiling as one (sometimes two) men fired from the balcony down into the main sanctuary. In others, I was standing in a hallway of the church, and could hear gun shots coming from elsewhere in the building. People were screaming and running away from the direction of the shots, many covered in blood. In the scenes where I actually saw the shooters, all were using assault rifles, and appeared to be of middle-eastern descent.
In the very last dream before awakening, I was among the congregation in the sanctuary. It was during the song service, and we were all on our feet singing. Suddenly, a man burst in from the side door closest to the stage, turned toward the congregation and began firing. Everyone began to duck behind chairs, attempting to take cover. End of dream.
Upon awakening, I knew in my spirit that this was an orchestrated attack happening at various locations, and it felt as if it were happening simultaneously, possibly on the same day. Although we know various countries are already experiencing this, in my spirit there was no question, the churches I saw were all in the United States.
I believe awakening between the dreams and hearing my intercessory prayer is a key. Because, in some of the locations I didn’t see all the blood and death, but only heard gun shots from a distance. The intercessory prayers of the Church will play a major role in diverting the plans of the enemy.
What to Do?
First of all, I ask that anyone reading this take it to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to reveal to you what you as an individual need to know and be aware of.
We’re told to “Fear Not” 365 times in the Bible. Jesus told His followers not to fear (Matt. 8:26), and He commanded them to, “Have faith in God…” Mark 11:22). Jesus also said the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth and show us things to come (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit doesn’t show us things like this to scare us, but to reveal the plans of the enemy. 2 Cor. 2:11 says “…we are not unaware of his schemes.”
The battle cry is sounding to awaken us from our deep slumber. The Lord is revealing the schemes of our enemy. He’s provided us with all we need to stand in the victory He’s already won! Our job is to take everything to the Lord and listen attentively to His instructions. And make sure to stay dressed in the full armor of God. In times such as these, with darkness encroaching, it’s crucial we become skillful warriors, understanding the importance and use of every piece of the armor we’ve been given (see Use Your Weapon ).
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes….so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”Eph 6:10-13
I’ve taken this as an urgent call to intercessory prayer for the Church in general, and our own local churches in particular. Yes, we need not fear, for the Lord has given us the needed tools to beat back the enemy, making him run for cover!
Come soon Lord Jesus!