Loveth Nwokeohuru
26th September 2018
Dream: Supernatural Help During Time of Tribulation
I had this dream yesterday, in my dream it was as if I was caught up to the sky and I saw everything that was happening down. I saw Christians who are been persecuted for their beliefs running for their lives. they were driving rickety slow salon cars, all of a sudden I saw help coming from above, trucks which were far stronger, bigger and faster in speed were literally thrown down from the sky automatically their old slow salon cars were transformed to a stronger, faster moving trucks, this helped them to run faster than their pursuers. I was surprised when I saw these trucks landing on the ground from the sky, from such a far distance without somersaulting, instead when they landed they stood firm continued with the race no stopping. It was amazing.
End of dream.
I think God is trying to show us how supernatural help will be sent to his remnant people during the tribulation time.
We’re not running the race on our own God will send his Holy Spirit to strengthen, energize and encourage us.
Without the Holy Spirit, we won’t be able to face what’s coming our way.
John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take heart; I have overcome the world.
Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up like the eagles, they shall run and not weary, they shall walk and not faint.
The Children of God shall pass through the great tribulation yes, but we shouldn’t be afraid. The Lord says “for I the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it’s I who say to you, Fear not, Iam the one who helps you. Isaiah 41:13.
The Lord will help us to scale through.
What is the purpose of tribulation? To test our faith, our love for God, to refine us and make us pure and ready for the the bridegroom. To separate us from the rest of the world.
Though so many of us will be put to death, imprisoned, but “ don’t be afraid of the one who can kill the body alone, rather be afraid of he who can kill both the body and the spirit”.
So many of us will suffer hunger, rejection and will be mocked, rejoice for your reward await you in heaven.
Be Encouraged to face the great tribulation if you are opportune to, for count your self lucky when you fall into diverse temptations. James 1:2-3.
Unless those days are shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the very elect ‘s sake those days will be shortened. Matt 24:22. The Lord shall shorten the length of those days for our sake, he will come and rescue us to the place where he has promised. Nothing is worth missing eternity for, not the worldly pleasure.
God bless us as we continue to stay focused.