
Dream of Mass Shooting – John McAteer

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Dream of Mass Shooting

7/29/24 2:24 AM
John McAteer

I saw a large sporting event/arena and spotted a famous english footballer among the crowd. The crowd were extremely excited to watch the game although I was not shown what sport was talking place. There seemed to be predominantly adult male spectators. Then I heard shooting begin in the crowd. The shooting was contineous and sustained. The crowd was in panic and it was impossible to see where the shooters were. I was reminded of when the black and tans shot up an all ireland football final 100 years ago in Dublin. Then I wondered if this is the olympics.

Then I met a church minister in a church meeting. I told him the dream. He disappeared but returned wearing a clergy mans clothes and collar. I was aware that the dream was prophetic and that he did not believe in such dreams.

Then I was in a work garage with three workers. I saw my daughter talking with strangers outside and was concerned for her safety. A lady came in to view a painting painted by one of the workers (like to purchase or sell). I was discussing health and safety issues with the workers. There was a large engine being lifted by a gantry crane. As it passed over me I felt very unsafe.



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