Marty Breeden
In the early morning hours of January 29, 2019….I had this Dream:
I found myself deep deep in the belly of a HUGE BATTLESHIP!
Everyone was working feverishly and making their last minute preps.
All around me I saw people who were tired and weary and exhausted….YET, they all had smiles on their faces as they worked.
I knew I was to be doing something but I could jot seem to find my station.
I ran throughout the ship looking.
I knew all the people on this vessel were Christians.
Finally I made my way to the top deck and I walked outside.
I could not believe my eyes!!
As far as the eye could see there were dozens and dozens maybe hundreds of ships !!!!
Many of them were different sizes but they were all preparing!
It was night outside and very dark.
Even then I could see what appeared to be orange explosions in the offing.
I knew I needed to get back in that ship!
I ran back inside and finally asked a kind young man….”Excuse me Sir, can you tell me what’s happening?”
He said…”Yes, we are preparing for the FINAL BATTLE, we are getting those things done that we must get done before we leave!”
I said….“Well, I’m not sure where I belong, I don’t know where to go!”
He said…“Just take off walking and DO NOT STOP, until you find your station!”….then he chuckled and said….“You’ll know it when you get there!”
I took off running as fast as I could and I found a station where no one was working and there was obviously work there that needed to be done!!
I happily started working and there was SUCH a sense of excitement and URGENCY!!!…
We were all working and working and working….then suddenly, we all felt the Great Battleship behind to move toward its final destination….
I Awoke……