
Dream of Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron – Whitney Eslick Manuel


Dream of Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron

8/30/24 5:12 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

I had this dream a couple of weeks ago. I saw Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron in an underground area of what looked like an old Mall. In the dream I seemed to know we were in America and that he had just come over from France, specifically from Paris. We spoke briefly. I then saw a small group of Christian women who I knew were my friends discussing Barack Obama. They were saying that his true identity was not American, but from another country. All the women gave different country names they believed he was from. The only one I can remember was Syria. I stated that Obama’s coloring is more consistent with a North African man’s, like from Morocco or Egypt. I further commented that Obama was once videotaped in Egypt staring at a sculpted bust of the Pharaoh Akhenaten and was recorded as saying it was like looking into a mirror. The women then began discussing Macron in the same manner, saying that his ethnic identity was also not what the public thought. Again, they each listed the country of origin they believed he was truly from, and again, I can only remember one— that he was Assyrian, from Syria. Shortly after this, Macron and I were off to the side where our conversation was more private. He began talking about teeth, his teeth in particular. He maintained that he had 22 teeth. He opened wide his mouth and pulled his lips back to show me. I’m not easily spooked, but his teeth were perhaps the most terrifying thing I have ever seen in my life. The top row looked almost normal. Almost. The center top teeth were quite yellowed and a bit bulky, with exaggerated uneven grooves on the bottom of each tooth. His incisors that flanked his top center teeth were much larger and more menacing than normal human teeth. But these were nothing compared to the bottom. His teeth on the bottom, those that flanked his bottom center teeth were rows of teeth, like a shark has rows of teeth. Yet, they were shaped differently than shark teeth. He had 4 rows of teeth on each side that were somewhat long and slender and pointed at the top. His bottom center teeth looked exactly like finger bones— phalanges. But where our finger bones have segments where they can bend and are thicker at these knuckles, his were fused and immovable so that these teeth would not bend or give way and they were sharply pointed at the top. These finger bone looking teeth also jutted somewhat out of his mouth at what looked to be either a 100 degree or 110 degree angle, pointed outward. The danger I felt upon looking inside his mouth was beyond what I can probably convey. These were not the teeth of a human. They were the teeth of a beast. But not even an animal type of beast. No animal I have ever seen has teeth so fearsome. No wolf, no lion, no shark. And he kept insisting he had 22 teeth; he mentioned it about 5 times. In reality, he had far more than 22 teeth. As I looked at his teeth, I knew he could rip my arm off in an instant or kill me if he wanted. These teeth were meant to kill. Their only purpose was to cut, to tear, rip, sever, kill— in a word, to destroy. Knowing my life would be in imminent danger if I showed my alarm, I downplayed what I saw and tried to carry on dumb conversation as if I wasn’t as aware as I was. The whole time, also, slowly and nonchalantly backing away from him. My husband came near me and I grabbed his arm and walked away. Many people were now all walking toward a higher level of the mall to attend some big thing (I wasn’t shown what it was), but many of my Christian friends were among them. My husband kind of leaned in to me as we walked and asked me what Macron and I had been talking about. I very quickly whispered in a serious tone that we would talk about it later. I knew Macron was staring at us to see if I was “on” to him. So I pretended to be talking to one of my Christian friends, laughing, the whole bit. When I woke up, I was shaken. I’ve only ever had one other dream in my life that shook me comparably. It was the dream of Hell GOD gave me almost 18 years ago when my son Matthew Yosef was a baby. The dream of Hell shook me in grief and terrible sadness over the lost and really supercharged my desire to see all men saved. But this dream about Macron didn’t shake me with grief or sadness; it shook me with a great and grave sense of danger. Please pray about it and ask the LORD to give you revelation and understanding into it, in JESUS CHRIST’S Name.

*I believe the 22 teeth somehow relate to the 22 letters of the alefbet, the Hebrew alphabet, and have to do with the danger of his words, what he has and will speak. Deception wise, and more.

“Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, regarding the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit, or a message, or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the Day of the Lord has come. No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3


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