
Dream: “Lobsters” (Accusation) Prepared by Demons – Lloyd Immanuel Acree

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Dream: “Lobsters” (Accusation) Prepared by Demons

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Dream: I am in some kind of building or store in which there are fish in aquariums. I quickly move away from the fish and find lobsters along the wall, each in their own containers. The lobsters each have a different age. The first one I saw was about the size of a mouse perhaps. As I moved along the wall, they grew, until the last one was enormous. I found myself gazing at a lobster almost the size of a regular dog. In the background of this dream, there was a prophet; he and I were having a conversation, but I can’t remember anything important that we said.


The prophet is a real person that I have reached out to in the past before to pray with about spiritual warfare. So I believe that his presence in the dream was to show that this is a message about how to look at life issues.

The fish we spoke of seemed insignificant to the dream, although I recall that there was a mention of the word ‘cold.’ Perhaps this was to signify that this type of spiritual opposition to saints does thrive where the church may be cold-hearted.

The lobsters are the main point of the dream. Each lobster was being grown deliberately in order to achieve maximum size before being delivered to its purpose. A lobster, similar to the concept of “crabs in a bucket”, signifies an issue in life where people or demons have singled out, with much deliberate preparation, any possible flaw In hour life, or in our conduct: something from the past that they can hold against us. The lobster claw will latch on to that accusation and never let go, the demon’s goal being to make sure that people “never live it down.” In the dream, the lobsters were not only capable of grabbing like this, but they were being fed and prepared over a long period of time, so that they would become of an unnaturally large size. This is how demons think ahead and develop not only elaborate plans but a supernaturally powerful punch.


There is no condemnation (Romans 8:1) for saints under the blood of Christ, as 1st John 1:9 tells us: That if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of these sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

This belief in our freedom from accusation does not come easy when demons have elaborately prepared an ambush of character assassination. God wants us to remember that these lobsters are prepared by demons. The dream is a message to everyone who wishes to repent: the Lord is not condemning you or holding you back from obtaining the new status in Christ of a new creation. God is on your side. All the way. God does not send accusers to those who have confessed.

Jesus wants you redeemed from everything, even the sins you committed yesterday. Through prayer and battling against these accusing demons who pretend to be God’s voice or God’s judgment, we will be delivered of the false narrative that Satan is trying to write for us about our lives. Satan wants to write our destiny by attaching these identity statements, condemnations, accusations, and slurs against our character. Yet we all know that everyone has sin, and veryone stumbles, and this is nothing uncommon. But it is exaggerated and overfed, and inflated, and used as a constant toothache of the soul to burden the saints and keep them from doing righteous works. God does not send accusers to those who have confessed! never accept an alternative thought: God does not send accusers to those who have confessed.

Anyone who continues to bring up sins of the past against the saints is in league with Satan whether they want to be or not: Because a saint is someone who has repented. There is no other kind of saint. And the Lord’s will is to redeem them. This was finished on the cross. So those who want to perpetuate the accusation defy and reject the work of Christ. It’s not from God.

If Jesus Christ were to keep a saint under the bondage of a curse brought by our sin, then He alone must exercise a special word of His own authority to do that. Otherwise, His blood already spoke against repercussion. It is a lie and He already reversed the curse. This means we must never accept an alternative thought: God does not send accusers to those who have confessed.

Embrace the work of Christ in church, that is, in the assembly of the saints, by confessing your sins, and then believe and receive the total victory of Christ.

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
James 5:16

God does not send accusers to those who have confessed!

In prayer:
We must not only declare the blood of Christ over our lives and our sins: but we must also recognize the lies that the devil or even religious people want to use as doctrines and realities and councils of God. It is not enough to be skeptical of what the devil is putting in our minds and in our hearts. It is also not enough to try and ignore it, as if to live with it. As the adopted sons and daughters of the Most High God (Romans 8:15), we do not need to settle for any darkness or pain or confusion or accusation unless and until God Himself says that He appointed it for His Kingdom (When has that ever happened to anyone you’ve met?). We declare what he is doing to be a lie. Standing in faith, we will discover that the “lobster”-effect has no power or strength any more.

‘“Behold, I make all things new.”
And he said unto me,
“Write: for these words are true and faithful.”’
Revelation 21:5

Lloyd Immanuel Acree


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