Darkness, Dream, Three Days of Darkness

Dream: Great Darkness (the blackest black) Came Upon The Earth – Mindi Boyer

Mindi Boyer

DECEMBER 1, 2014 AT 8:43 PM

I am a Christian, but I am not Catholic. The Lord recently gave me a dream in which I was shown the Church being raptured from the earth and great darkness (the blackest black) came upon the earth. It was the darkest atmosphere I have ever seen on the earth. The sun’s rays of light were not even penetrating the thickness of the clouds covering the entire globe like a heavy blanket. It also was the scariest evil I have ever felt in my soul. All sense of God’s love and goodness had been removed from mankind. I have never felt so frightened about what I sensed was coming to the world. Electricity wasn’t working at this point in my dream…no sunlight reaching the earth and no way of creating light. I saw people (I assume in America) drowning when giant tsunami waves came inland and engulfed them…like whole areas of land basically going into the ocean… I woke up with the Lord warning me that I am still not yet ready, (He seemed very upset about that, due to His amazing love) and with Him reminding me in my spirit that it is, indeed, now or never.


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