Micheal Johnson
June 5, 2018
Dream, 5/11/2018
I was in the back yard of a house with some people, and I was talking to a brother in Christ, and we were reconciling a disagreement that I had with him in real life. The other people in the yard started screaming, and I turned around and they were looking up in the sky, saying they had never seen stuff like this before. They said they saw a bunch of meteors.
I looked up in the sky, and there were some clouds, but I noticed that there were black spots behind the clouds, like holes in the sky. I started pointing and asking if they could see the holes also, and they said yes, and then another meteor flew by.
After the meteor flew by, the holes in the sky started opening up more, and then the clouds started slowly moving. All of a sudden, the clouds rolled away very fast, and everyone started screaming and running. We were looking into a black hole, and then a bunch of meteors were coming from space towards earth. I started walking forward, knowing that Jesus was about to come, and the Holy Spirit came over me, and I said “Lord, receive me unto Yourself.”
Then I woke up from the dream, and the Holy Spirit was upon me more strongly than Ive ever felt before.
In the scriptures, the Lord said that His people would have dreams and visions of what is to come. This is one of those dreams.
It is time to prepare, and to reconcile all confusions, disagreements, and ought that we have in our hearts against one another. Jesus said that if a man goes to give his offering, and he remembers that his brother has ought against him, to leave his offering at the alter, and first go reconcile with his brother, and then come back to the alter and give his offering to the Lord.
For those who desire GODs mercy, you must show mercy to all, including those who you do not feel warrant forgiveness. It is not for us to know or decide whether a person will be saved; our job is to be a faithful witness of the Gospel of Christ Jesus.