May 11th Dream of a coming Northwest Earthquake – John Shorey
Dear Friends,
I had a dream on May 11th 2013; this dream has caused me much concern, my wanting to know if this is a revelation from God. God has called me into the prophetic and as a watchman on the wall. I have seen God confirming his call on my life with many signs and wonders. God called me to write a book on His soon return, but I have witnessed an incredible lack of interest in Christ’s coming. Many pastors will no longer preach on this subject.
I labored several days over whether I should send this message to my Facebook friends and the contacts from the sale of my book. I have decided that God has not given me light to hide it under a bushel. Some of my friends will pass this off lightly, some will defriend me. I am willing to accept any criticism from man, in my efforts to be obedient to God. Below I will explain and share this dream.
It is now Tuesday evening May 14th. On Saturday, May 11th I woke up from just having a dream that was not like my normal dreams, I could remember every detail and conversation concerning this dream.
In this dream, I was with people I knew from the Northwest Seattle area. It was about an earthquake that was about to hit the Northwest. It had not yet happened, but we were discussing it as if it had already happened. In the dream we knew this quake was of the same magnitude as the earthquake that hit Alaska in 1964 which is said to have been a magnitude 9.2. Like I said, we were discussing it as if it had happened but it had not yet happened. It was like I was warning the people I knew, but they would not take it seriously. However, they seemed to know it was going to happen.
I feel it will happen soon, because in the dream we were talking as if we knew it were about to happen. I am also praying that if it has to happen that it will happen on a weekend when office buildings are not occupied.
I prayed for three days that God would let me know if this dream was really going to happen, I even asked if God would give this dream to me a second time, but this did not happen. This morning as I was praying, I continued to ask for God to confirm if this dream were from him. I then went to my office to read my Bible. As I was reading my Bible, I just happened to be reading from the book of Psalms and this verse jumped out at me.
Psalms 18:6-7“In my distress I called to the Lord: I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.
The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry.”
This verse from Psalms was the answer to my prayers. Yes this dream was from God
It has dawned on me that this dream has a very interesting parallel to Christ’s return. My Christian friends and the church in general know that Jesus is coming soon; they talk about His coming as if it was coming very soon, but they are not taking it seriously. They are not preparing for this event.
Follow up to my May 11th dream.
The week following my dream I made the decision to send this message down to my Facebook friends. Many of my friends sent me positive comments, and one of my friends sent me a link to a prophecy given by Pastor Jonathan Hanson.
On December 1995, Rev. Jonathan Hanson gave a prophecy regarding many predictions of what would happen to America in the coming years. Most have come to pass with great accuracy. (Goggle, “Jonathan Hanson Prophecies” and check it out.) One item that is yet to happen was a predicted powerful Northwest earthquake. The detail of this earthquake leaves no doubt that this event has not been fulfilled to date. Rev Hanson prophesied that Mt. Rainier would erupt, and the earthquake happening with this event would collapse the 520 floating bridge that crosses Lake Washington.
When Rev. Jonathan Hanson was interviewed by Sid Roth on “Its Supernatural” Rev. Hanson said that following the Northwest earthquake, both the stock market would collapse and civil unrest would follow.
Now, I realize that many would say that to link a prophecy that goes back many years to my dream is a real stretch. I would also agree if it was not for what happened the following day.
For those of you who have visited my website, . If you have read some of the testimonies, you may have read the testimony about a Pastor, Joseph Essilfie, from Atlanta Georgia, who shared his dream with me last August.
In his dream, God was showing him the same window of the Lord’s return as my book. Then three days after his dream while praying for answers, He asked the Lord, “What am I do with this dream?” The Lord told him to turn on the TV to the Trinity Broadcasting Network. The minute he found this channel, Paul Crouch was introducing my book with the title showing Pastor Joseph the theme of his dream was in the title of my book.
A few Days ago, Pastor Joseph called to tell me that God has been sharing things with him that are really troubling. He went on to tell me that the Lord told him that it is the time of the “Distress of Nations”. Then the Lord told him that in the next few weeks there would be a rumbling of a volcano in the Northwest. This rumbling would be followed by a major eruption of a volcano, along with a major earthquake in the Northwest.
What you have to realize is that Pastor Joseph did not know about my dream, I had to jump in and tell him what the Lord had shown me in a dream. What the Lord shared with Pastor Joseph was another confirmation for my dream and confirming to the both of us that things are about to happen.
I really don’t know the timing of my dream, and Pastor Joseph does not know how long from the rumbling of the first volcano to the full blown eruption and the earthquake of the second volcano. All I know is, in my dream it seemed like this event was to happen soon. I believe God wants to get the attention of the church. I believe that too many Christians are not living like a bride that is waiting with great anticipation for the groom to show up to take us to the marriage and to our new home that has been prepared for us.
I pray we will wake up soon so that God does not have to shake us to hard to get our attention. The Bible says Jesus is coming for a pure bride without spot or wrinkle!
A Watchman on the wall
John Shorey
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