Dream About The Pope
December 3, 2020 3:38 PM
Loveth Nwokeohuru
The Dream.
That should be late 2018 or early 2019
I had a dream where I was invited to a meeting that was headed by the Pope( Pope Francis)
I and some other persons were invited for that meeting, and that place was the house of the Pope, the place was very big and he was in control of things there. (more like a king)
So, we were all sitted and he (Pope Francis) was addressing us, then he walked close to me and said “wow! You look so beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life” then after saying that he came closer to me and gently spoke these words to me “but stop preaching against me”.
Note: I was the only black woman there, all others were White, I looked different, and somehow, I wasn’t supposed to be there,( because I was uncomfortable) but I was there for that meeting.
I was wondering why he praised me that way, and also said I should stop preaching against him
I was almost blushing when the Spirit of God told me that he really did not mean what he was saying, he was only FLATTERING me.
He was flattering me, because he had wanted to buy me over with flattering, it was a game, and I decided to pretend as if I had no idea of what he was doing.
That scene passed, and I saw that the Pope was taking us around the premises of that place, showing us many things..and I was admiring the place, the place was very beautiful..
Then I saw that many people were coming to the Pope for help.
Then I saw a man came to the Pope to help him get a job.
The Pope said ok..he immediately picked up his phone and called someone asking him to give the man the kind of job he wants.
I was marvelled at the kind of power he controlled in that dream.
No one could refuse him anything.
He now turned to me and told me that he can help me with whatever I want, that he has the connection, I should feel free to ask him. I said Ok.
Then I remembered in that dream that I have been looking for a job, and I have not been able to find one.
I decided to ask him, Immediately I made that decision in my heart to ask him, the Holy Spirit reminded me again, that he is not what I think he is, and i shouldn’t have anything to do with him, or get entangled with him.
The End.
This is what I think is the interpretation of the dream.
You can also drop your interpretation as lad by the Spirit of God.
The people who were invited to a meeting were people from different denominations, but they already have something in common with the Pope.
Spiritually, they are one with the Pope and are working together to achieve his agenda.
They have all compromised, that was why, they were all had thesame skin colour.
Then I was the only black person there..
I represent the true church of God who has not yet fallen for the DECEPTION of the Pope; because I was different.
My ideology is different, my beliefs are different, I am not thesame with them Spiritually.
Note: both the pope and those people were all white in the dream.
The Pope said that I was very beautiful in the dream. This is obvious, he wanted to get me to become like one of them through flattering, I almost fell for it, but thank God for the Holy Spirit who helped me to understand what was going on.
He also said I should stop preaching against him.
This is the main reason why I think he flattered me initially so that I will close my mouth and stop preaching against his wicked deeds. I think they’re not happy with those who come out openly to speak against the Pope’s heresies:
●How he is turning the Laws of God upside down
●How he is uniting ALL religions to become one.
●How he has said that ALL roads lead to God.
●How he has denied the role of Christ in the plan of Salvation.( thereby denying Him as the Saviour of mankind) all because of false unity and safety)
●How he is trying to force the world to accept his policies to combat climate change.
●How he supports the gay community, saying they’re all children of God. Etc..etc..
How can you be a child of God when you are disobedient to God?.
That is clearly an act of paganism.
He will try to call such people who are opposed to him(the true church of God) for a dialogue and he will try to use flattery to seduce them to keep quiet, or to join or support his policies if that doesn’t work he will go over to the next plan.
In the dream he was fluanting his affluence in front of me, he wanted to show me that he commands respect and he is influential.
The Pope will try to use this means to buy some of this people over to his side, but the Holy Spirit will always call them back to order.
The true Church of God may not be very rich, and so the Pope may want to use that as a trap to lure her.
But the people who know their God shall be strong and shall do exploit.
I found my self in this meeting, I felt awkward; I knew I was not supposed to be there.
This represents the Ecumenism that is on going with the Pope, with various religions and some professed Christian groups.(churches)
We as children of God who believe in Jesus Christ, who have not compromised the true word of God shouldn’t be part of this meeting.
We are to sigh and mourn for all the evil and attrocities that are being done in today’s Christianity.(Ezekiel 9:4-5) We shouldn’t keep quiet, we’re to shout and warn people about these abominations and tell them not to be part of it.
Daniel 11:32
And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
2 Corinthians 14-18
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
Imagine God had warned us before now by revealing an area of danger that we should avoid.
It is highly unlikely that any of us will move in the same religious, political, social, and direction as the Beast after all these warnings from God..
He will appeal to us to abandon our faith and give our cooperation, trust, and loyalty to him by submitting to political programs and public policies that offer us physical well-being, peace, and safety under the disguise of “COMMON GOOD”
It will seem advantageous for us, to support his policies. He will make glowing promises of security, Love, unity, prosperity, a safe environment ( combating climate change) peace and safety.
But never forget, when seduction and subversion through flatteries fail, the reign of terror by persecution begins.
The role of the Holy Spirit cannot be over emphasized in the life of a Christian.
Without the Holy Spirit we will not be able to discern between what is right or wrong.
He is the inner voice (small calm voice) that speaks to our hearts.
He will help us to reject the seductive flatteries of the Beast because He is the Spirit of truth.
If you have not yet received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, say this simple prayer always using Luke 11:13.
Because nobody can make it during this last days, without the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, our redeemer and our Friend. We believe you died for our sins, we believe that you have redeemed us from eternal death.
Lord, you said in Luke 11:13 that if we ask for the Holy Spirit that you will give us.
You promised to send a comforter, the Spirit of truth to dwell in us; Lord grant us your Holy Spirit for we can not run this heavenly race on our own.
Thank you father for answering our prayers for we pray through the name of your son and our Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!