Dream about President Trump
October 10, 2020 9:32 AM
Seeking the Lord
I received this dream on October 17, 2019, and feel led to share it now.
I dreamed that my Dad was about to undergo extreme heart surgery. President Trump met with me and we talked one-on-one for an hour.
Then the dream shifted and President Trump was pushing a baby in a pram (enclosed carriage) down a very rocky, bumpy incline in a recessed stadium that was below ground level. A large crowd of people watched him and the carriage. At the bottom of the incline, President Trump fell flat on his face, spread eagle, and loosened his grip on the carriage handle. The stroller tumbled over, landing on its side. The crowd gasped. The whole United States was concerned about the baby. President Trump got up and said the baby was gone! It wasn’t in the stroller.
As I prayed for the interpretation of this dream, I felt that my Dad, who died years ago, represents my country – the United States, which is about to undergo extreme heart surgery, with serious change coming. Our country and way of life are under attack. The baby represents democracy and the will of the people. Constitutional rights are disappearing because the enemy is undermining them. I felt that the Holy Spirit said I had no idea of the seriousness of the situation, and that I need to pray.
The president talking with me shows the need to pray for him and for our country.
Pray for our nation and our president. If the Lord shows you further interpretation of the dream, please share it.