By Katie Troutman
NOVEMBER 20, 2016
A Foreign Invasion With No Time To React Dream
Just before we moved to the Ozarks, I began having dreams that lasted all night long. After we arrived and settled into our new home, on a Saturday night in September 2016, I went to sleep and woke up around midnight in the middle of a war scenario in our country,
In the first part of the dream, my daughter had just arrived for a visit. No sooner did she get there when planes started flying over us. America was being invaded by foreign troops. It was scary because it seemed so real. I saw jets and aircraft flying in the sky and soldiers parachuting down from the aircraft.
I saw their strategy, how they came in and surveyed the area, we only had seconds. We had no advantage. There was not enough time for us to get things together. I always thought we would be able to grab a few things and our animals before making a run for the woods. (My husband and I are animal lovers) We tried to gather some supplies from our house, but because we did not leave immediately, we were captured. The Lord had showed me repeatedly not to look back, but to just flee.
I thought about the dream, prayed, and fell back asleep and continued with more dreams of war. I woke up and went to the bathroom and went back to sleep and the same dream continued.
Then the very next Saturday night, the same thing happened again, I dreamt all night long of an invasion and war coming to America. From the time I went to bed until sun up, I dreamed of war.
In the final dream, God gave me very specific instructions to bury an item/items because we would need them. He gave me a location where to do so. I cannot share all the details about what He told me because it was His instructions for me personally. He talked me through each step and I clearly heard His voice. He told me these things would be taken from us and we could even be killed over it. I know this is vague. I just ask you to pray and follow His instructions for you personally.
Prior to this, I had never dreamt in this manner. The intensity of these dreams makes me think these things must be near, but no matter what happens in the future, God is in control. He loves us and no matter what evil takes place. No matter how desperate and alone we may feel, our God is on the throne. Our circumstances might change, but He is and will remain the same. Try and remember that He loves us and even when we feel all alone and maybe even abandoned or forsaken.
Please remember Jesus went through that same desperate place too in the garden of Gethsemane. He wanted so desperately for this cup to pass… He was emotionally overtaken by the hour that had come upon Him, but He is strong and He endured that affliction and turmoil of the cross. He allowed himself to be murdered in the most brutal way so you and I can be saved from eternity in Hell and brought into fellowship with our heavenly Father. We can go through whatever comes our way because of Him and His influence on our lives.
We are the final generation and we are survivors! Just think of all the things we have been through already in life. Some of us have been through divorce, some have survived cancer, heart disease, and so on. Some of us have survived abuse from an unfaithful spouse, job loss, friends who turned out not to be friends, death of a loved one or even our child, foreclosure on a home, drug addiction, alcoholism and anything in between. Pain is pain and we all hurt and have our lot in life. The things I saw in my dream, when it finally does happen, will be no different. Even on our worst day, God will turn it into fine gold. He will give us beauty for our ashes and will cause us to walk upon the mountaintop in victory with Him. He will take EVERYTHING Satan does to us and He will bring great joy into our lives.
We have been conditioned by the spirit of God over that past few years to ENDURE. Through many warnings, He has given us a spirit of endurance and I’m sure so much more. He is the potter and we are truly the clay. We rest in the hand of the Almighty. When we go through the race that is set before us, we must stay strong and love him no matter what. Stay faithful because if His eye is on the sparrow, we know He watches over us. He will always be with us and if God be for us, who can be against us? He loves you and He cares deeply for you. We will complete this race and make it to the other side. Be encouraged as these things unfold!