Dream, Earthquake, Tsunami

Dream: 9.3 earthquake had just hit the Fijian Islands and that a massive tsunami was expected – Whitney Eslick Manuel

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Dream: 9.3 earthquake had just hit the Fijian Islands and that a massive tsunami was expected

June 5, 2024 5:31 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

I had this dream about 17 years ago and it keeps popping up in my mind, especially with everything going on seismically these days. As with most prophetic dreams, I can remember it almost like it was yesterday. I was in a room, similar to a church basement type room, where about 40-50 people were gathered. Whoever was in charge interrupted the class or meeting with the news that a 9.2 or 9.3 earthquake had just hit the Fijian Islands and that a massive tsunami was expected (Now in real life I thought that Fiji was a single island. I had no idea it was actually a chain of islands. I only found that out after I woke up and researched “Fijian Islands” because that’s the term I heard during this dream). Instantly I was transported to one of these Fijian Islands in the dream and was surprised at what I saw. Again, I’ll share my ignorance. In real life I had never been to Fiji, but had always assumed it’s people looked Asian and thought the homes and such would look like beautiful island homes, like something we see on TV. But in the dream I saw extremely poor people with ramshackle huts. The people themselves looked very native and had very dark skin, not at all how I had assumed them to look. I saw a woman in particular, trying to store a handful of canned goods in her simple hut, a very meager and weak-looking structure that laid on the ground itself. She took her little children inside, having obviously heard of the coming tsunami, and I was horrified and deeply troubled in spirit. I knew they were dead; they were all going to die. Such meager precautions she was taking to try and keep her family alive and there was no way they would survive. I knew they would be crushed and die underneath the coming tsunami wave. I awoke crying and very distraught. I ran to our computer room to get on the internet, thinking this had already hit. But I found nothing. I did however discover that the native Fijians do look exactly like they appeared in my dream and many live in huts like the one I saw. Day after day I would check the computer to see if the earthquake had hit yet. After some time I realized this was a warning dream. It was so real. 17 years have passed and it’s still so real. Please pray for the people living on the Fijian Islands; please pray for their salvation, that they come to JESUS CHRIST. I don’t know if this judgment can be averted or lessened. Please pray~

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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