Don’t Settle For Anything Less Than Jesus
December 31, 2020 7:34 PM
This message was given 12.30.20.
Use this time wisely. Give Me your all, your fasting, your prayers, your adoration. Spend time with Me, get to know Me for I am humble and meek of heart and I will return soon to the earth. What will I find there? Arrogance, indifference, love of self and money? These things are not of Me or My Kingdom. Repent, repent, repent for I return soon! There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth when the world realizes what they have settled for – the trappings of the earth in exchange for their eternal soul. The love of many will wax cold as hearts grow hardened against Me and what I have to say. Return, return I say to your first love! I will restore, I will recompense. But you must turn to Me and away from the allure of this world. This is not your home, this is not your abode. You belong to My heavenly Kingdom, you were set apart for such a time as this.
Soon you will have to choose which path you will take – the narrow path which leads to My heavenly Kingdom or the broad path which leads to destruction and eternal loss. I CAME THAT ALL MIGHT BE SAVED. I offer you life everlasting yet few accept My offer taking instead the crumbs that the world offers. O children if only you knew what I have to offer. I AM THE WAY I AM THE TRUTH I AM ETERNAL LIFE. SEEK ME AND YOU WILL FIND ME. Many will cry out My name in that day, in that hour to no avail. NOW IS THE TIME TO CHOOSE WHICH CROSS YOU WILL TAKE UP. I WILL HELP YOU CARRY YOUR CROSSES, YOUR BURDENS, YOUR PAINS. I will remove them from you and carry them as I carried that heavy laden cross at Calvary. My destiny is intertwined with yours but so many are in the dark, in denial. I KNOCK AT THE DOOR OF YOUR HEART AND CALL BUT FEW ANSWER. I AM YOUR ONLY HOPE IN A DARKENED, DECAYING WORLD. COME FOLLOW ME! MY REWARDS ARE GREAT IN HEAVEN. I offer you something so precious – beyond comprehension. CHOOSE ME AND CHOOSE LIFE EVERLASTING! NOW IS THE TIME, NOW IS THE HOUR THAT I AM CALLING. I AM COMING SOON, RETURNING TO THE EARTH FROM WHENCE I CAME. Oh how I wish it were on fire for there is a baptism that needs to take place. I AM THE WAY I AM ALL TRUTH! COME FOLLOW ME CHILDREN! I LAID DOWN MY LIFE FOR LOVE OF YOU. COME FOLLOW ME, COME FOLLOW ME AND I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN!
Your Lord and King Yeshua
He alone who Saves
The message continues
The year 2021 will be a time of travail. The time of testing is past. The time of sorrows and weeping will soon begin. Events will unfold which will usher in the Tribulation. Your political stage is set up for this. The stage is set, the actors are primed. It is only a matter of time before your nation (America) falls from within, from the internal chaos which has already begun. Fear not! There are dark days ahead surely but I will be with you always. The world is looking for a Savior. I am the One. Come follow Me.
Amen Amen
Yeshua HaMamashiach
Jesus the Christ
The one who Saves
The Holy Spirit had also given me the word ‘forbear‘ which in the KJV dictionary means: to hold from proceeding, to pause, to delay.
Then I head in my spirit ‘the time of forbearance is come and gone’.
Many of the prophecies have gone out into the world, yet many have not been fulfilled. I think the Holy Spirit is showing God’s children how merciful and long suffering God has been. He has waited and waited even during this pandemic and lockdown to see how many would turn to Him and repent. Sadly the world did everything but turn to God wholeheartedly. We have already been told time is up and the hammer of justice is about to fall. I pray the Holy Spirit gives us boldness to share the gospel, the Good News and I pray that the light of truth permeates the ever growing darkness in the world. Come Lord Jesus Come.
Scripture Reference:
Matthew 11:1-6. 1 Now it came to pass, when Jesus finished commanding His twelve disciples, that He departed from there to teach and to preach in their cities. 2 And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples 3 and said to Him, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” 4 Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: 5 The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. 6 And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”