
Don’t miss out on your time to arise and shine – Kevin Barrett

Kevin Barrett

September 27, 2018

Don’t miss out on your time to arise and shine.

Word from the Father:

My people, listen to your Heavenly Father this day. Have I not declared unto you that this is the season for you to arise and shine because your light has come? So then, why are so many of you cast down of soul and still subject to the lower life in many areas in which you should already be free?

Listen to Me, My little ones. When I declared for you all to arise and shine, it was not simply a joyful gesture, but also a command. I am commanding My people this day to arise and shine, for the days are evil and gross darkness is already taking over the minds of many. Can you not see this?

I do not want you living the lower life any longer. This is your time to arise and shine, and overcome the world. I have already provided you with the grace for this. But you MUST take hold of this for yourselves, I will not do it for you.

Oh, I know that many of you ask just what it means to arise and shine. And so I will tell you. It is the time and season for My kingdom within you to arise and take its rightful place. And in this, you shall be great conquerors in all that you say and do. For My power will reside within you to bring into completion My will for your lives and those in your sphere of influence.

Listen well to Me this day. I have waited patiently for this hour that I may show My great and awesome power through and among mankind. And I shall. However, it is up to each of you individually if you shall be included in this. I will not force you to be part of it.

So then, if you desire to take part in My kingdom and end-time army in these last days, then take heed to what I am saying. First, you must believe within yourselves for this to be true. For I have made this possible for you by faith, and by faith alone shall it be. And through faith, I want you to believe Me for divine strength and power to overcome all areas of sin and the flesh. And by the power of My Spirit, take up your cross and mortify the deeds of the flesh. But most importantly, get away from your busy activities and spend time in My written word and with Me and My Son in your prayer closets. And keep us at the forefront of your thoughts throughout your day. And as much as it is possible, stay at peace with all men and allow My Spirit to guide your thoughts, words, and deeds.

And as you would each do this, you shall see My light within you begin to burn brighter and brighter. And as you spend more time in My presence, you will sense My presence and anointing go with you throughout your day.

Oh, My people, how I am thrilled for you all in these last days. And I have so much to share with you. For too long, religion and false doctrines of men have kept My people from truly walking with Me in power. But no longer. For I declare unto you that this is the season for My people to walk with their God and do great exploits. I tell you, this thrills My heart more than you can know.

So then, forget what is behind and shake off all that hinders your walk with Me. And begin to seek Me like never before. And as you do this, you shall sense the rising of My Spirit within you to guide you into all that I have for you. For I have many blessings for many of you that you know not of.

And in the short days ahead, you shall witness more shakings in the natural realm as I shake all that can be shaken. But know this, what you see in the natural is a reflection of the spiritual. So, as you witness those in leadership and authority removed from their positions, know that also in the spirit, strongholds and powers of the air are being removed. And as you witness the earth being shaken with disasters, know that your inheritance, and hidden riches of secret places, are also being shaken loose. And many of you shall inherit the wealth of the land.

And in all this, you shall know that I am not man that I shall lie, but I am a faithful, righteous, and holy God, and ALL of My promises are yea and amen.

So then, I tell you all, shout for joy for your light has truly come. And soon, the Lord whom you seek shall come to His temple, and He shall be unto My remnant as a refiner’s fire and a fuller’s soap. And He shall purify these ones so that they may be an offering of righteousness unto Me. For have I not declared in My written word that I shall make man more precious than gold? This promise does not merely speak of the rarity of man in the last days, but also of his purity and righteousness as man becomes My holy temple.

My lovely ones, there is so much that I wish to share with you. But many of you are not at a place yet where you can receive all I have planned for you. My plans for you are FAR MORE than what you can possibly ask or think. Yet, I desire to reveal these things to you. Therefore, I tell you, as much as possible, get away from the things that keep you busy with the world and spend time in My presence. I need to remove mindsets and strongholds within you that are keeping you from receiving all that I have for you. For religion has kept man bound to the earthly realm for too long and it is now time for you to be set free that you may walk with Me in fellowship as Enoch did. For do you not know that he was a prophetic sign for these last days? I tell you, just as he was the seventh from Adam, so are you the seven thousandth generation from Adam. Whereas, Enoch was just one man who walked with Me in his day. But in these last days, there shall be thousands to walk with me in the same way, just as Enoch prophesied (Jude 1:14).

My precious ones, oh how I desire for each of you to be part of the last days company who will carry My Spirit and anointing to a dying world. Yet, it is up to all of you if you would choose this walk and overcome your sin, flesh and the world. I cannot make you do this. For have I not declared in My written word that many are called, but few are chosen? So then, if you feel this calling within you, do not slight it, yet obey and heed My Spirit. I promise you that you will not be disappointed….


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