Treda Weaver
August 5, 2018
“Do you know ME? Do you know that I am your Creator, Maker of Heaven and Earth. Do you see me when you look around? I AM there whether you know it or not.
I am in the sound of the wind, I am in the touch of the warmth of the sun on your skin, I am in the smell of a new budding flower. Though you do not see ME, I am still there regardless. Though you might not believe in ME, I am still there regardless.
I know that in the deep secret places of your heart you long for ME to be real. That is because I made you with that desire. However, you have listened to all the wrong voices in your life, and now you are in a place that does not grant you the peace or hope that you need.
What must I do to convince you that I am real and that I love you with an everlasting love? I come to you now and draw near to you, but you must respond in kind. I long for a relationship with you, but will you take a step out in faith and believe in ME?
I came to set the captives free. Captives of others, captives of yourselves. You are slaves to your own sin, but you do not even see this. I have come to set you free by releasing you from the curse that was placed on this earth. The curse of separation from GOD. I bring the blessing of reconciliation with GOD.
Your heavenly FATHER made it so easy — just believing in My work on the cross and confessing with your mouth the I AM LORD…….that is all it takes to be saved into MY kingdom and to start your journey with ME.
Will you take this leap of faith. Jump into MY arms and I will catch you! I will bring you the peace you have so longed for! True joy will flow out of your heart as I take your burdens from you.
Do not wait a second longer! Cry out to ME and I will hear! Today can be your day of salvation! Today can be your day of transformation! Today can be your day where the wrongs get set right! It is a NEW BEGINNING to all those who heed this message.
“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Romans 10:9-10