Do Not Look To The Right Nor The Left – But To Me!
March 21, 2020 3:49 PM
Message given 3.19.20
Daughter, My hand is upon those I call My own. Do not fear as you look around you and see the mounting destruction and chaos – for things will only get worse. I have warned yes, but few understood what would happen when I released My hand of protection and allowed these many things to take place. You must bow before Me – your King. You must acknowledge Me as your Lord and Savior. My children, truly you are living in a time like no other. My heart weeps for what My servants will have to endure but for some it is the only way – through the fire of the tribulation. But My saints will rise up now in My authority and power as they work the harvest – bringing the many lost souls to Me, for I alone can save. I AM THE HOLY ONE OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL AND I AM RETURNING FOR MY SHEEP!
CHILDREN, THE HOUR IS LATE. HOW MY HEART CRIES FOR YOU – THAT YOU SEE THE HOUR YOU ARE IN! But did I not promise I would be with you always, even at the point of death for some? I will not leave nor forsake you children, but you must draw closer to me as I draw closer to you. I love you My children with an unfathomable love. I died for you in order to save you – there was no other way that the world could be saved. For love of you I sacrificed My life. I ask you now to do the same for Me – not in the physical realm – I speak in spiritual terms.
Let me guide you, let me lead you to your cross. Let Me help you carry your burdens, your trials and the coming tribulations that will soon be upon the world. For My yoke is easy and My burden lght. Did I not warn you of the coming days – that they would be dark and trying days? YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS IN ME – YOUR SAVIOR YESHUA. DO NOT LOOK TO THE RIGHT NOR THE LEFT – BUT TO ME! GAZE INTO MY EYES AND I WILL BE WITH YOU. THOUGH THERE IS MUCH TO FEAR – DO NOT FEAR, CHILDREN! The enemy would have you wallow and hide in fear but it is from the evil one who wishes to dominate you and others. LOOK TO ME, MY LAMBS – FOR I AM THE MIGHTY LAMB WHO SITS UPON THE THRONE! I AM WHO I AM! I AM your Savior and I will return soon to reclaim what was Mine. Soon I will avenge My saints – those of old and the new martyrs who will receive their crown of life and garments white as snow. Stay close children – stay in My Word where you will find Me. Stay in prayer – where your praises reach unto the highest heights and are gathered as incense before the Father. Put on your Armor daily – for you are dealing with one who was wicked from the beginning. There is evil in his heart as are his plans to destroy the world and all in it – even his own. They will be taken though they do not know it. They think they serve a mighty king but I AM THE MIGHTY ONE, THE HOLY ONE WHO WILL RETURN SOON TO VANQUISH the evil one!
I return soon My children upon the clouds!
Look to the skies where you will find Me descending with My faithful servants beside Me!
I come soon!
Your beloved Savior and Mighty King
Isaiah 43:3 For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
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