Warning, Destruction, Judgment, Prophecy, Rapture, REPENT

Do not delay, now is the time – BRIDEOFYESHUA-RS


Do not delay, now is the time

April 7, 2022 2:45 PM

Thursday, April 8, 2022, at 16:47

My precious daughter, this world grieves Me, and woe to the world that calls good evil and evil good.

In order for more souls to be awakened and for more souls to be saved from the eternal torment of hell and the lake of fire, My judgments must come and My wrath must be unleashed.

My children are not appointed to My wrath, but they must experience My judgments and must experience My refining and purifying fire.

My children, you are not of this world, do not befriend the world, do not imitate the world, but separate yourselves from it, and live for Me alone.

The way of the cross is not an easy way, not an easy path to walk on. The way of the cross requires you to lay down yourselves completely, to deny yourselves, and to live for Me alone, only live for your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who laid down His life and shed His blood for you to redeem you.

I created you in My image and likeness, and I have given you the Holy Spirit, by whom you need to live My image and likeness, and manifest the life of My Son, your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You were not placed on this earth to live as you wish, then fall into the pit of hell with your sins and suffer eternal torment; but you were placed on this earth to give you a chance to choose again, to choose with your each word and deed, and with your faith, whether you want to spend eternity with Me, or spend eternity in the lake of fire with the evil one, the father of liars.

If you choose to spend eternity with Me, you must accept My Son, Jesus Christ, who came in the flesh, as the Lord and Savior of your lives, and must make up your mind to take up your cross and follow Him, never denying Him and His name, no matter whatever it takes.

You overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of your testimony, love not your lives unto the death. For whoever loses his life for My sake will receive more abundant and glorious life.

It hurts My heart to see My children are so busy all day long chasing the world and the things of the world, fearing the threats and intimidation given to them by men, and succumbing to the high pressure of your governments who are serving the god of this world.

My children, I have given My only beloved Son to be crucified on that cruel instrument of torture for you, and to shed His last drop of blood for you, what else do you need Me to do to make you understand that everything I and My Son have done is because we love you so much, and in order to save you from the torment of hell and the lake of fire for eternity?

Return back, My children, the time is short; wake up, disaster will soon come. How I wish I could bring each and every one of My children home, but many are called, few are chosen.

The kingdom of heaven is to be entered with effort. If you have not loved and feared Me with all your hearts, and are willing to forsake all to follow Me, you will be left behind to go through more trials and refinements.

I Am a holy God, without holy no one can see Me, and heaven is a place where no sin is allowed to enter; I Am a jealous God, I will not allow anyone or anything else to take My place in the hearts of My children.

My children, examine your hearts right now, remove idols from your hearts, and check yourselves to see if you are truly placing Me first in your lives.

Ask yourselves whether you are truly loving and fearing Me with all your hearts, souls, strengths, and minds, and following Me at all costs? Ask yourselves, do you love neighbor as yourselves, and do you do what you can to help those in need?

If you have done so, your eternity with Me is secure; if you have not done so, then now is the time for you to repent, now is the time for you to humble yourselves before Me and seek My face.

The time is short, My children, come and seek Me while you can still find Me; come and call upon Me while I Am still near. Do not delay, now is the time for you to call upon Me and seek My face.

Do not delay, My children, to do this right now, this very moment, for you do not know what will happen in the next second, in the next minute.

I love you, My children.

God richly Bless,



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