
Do Not Be Deceived – Jacky Julyan


Do Not Be Deceived – Prophetic Word

JANUARY 17, 2019

This word came from the LORD around 12 noon UK time….when it is a message from Jesus He speaks to me and says ‘Jacky, tell My People’

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But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God….. Matthew 4:4


My Bride, My Remnant, you are a people I have chosen. I have chosen you since the foundation of this world. My Children all things are about to change drastically. All that has been hidden shall be exposed. All deceptions shall be made clear to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

I shall make plain all parables with crystal clear clarity to those who walk obediently with Me as Enoch. I shall open hidden mysteries in My Word the Holy Scriptures to those whom I love and trust.

My Children it has taken many fiery trials from My Hand so I can see how devoted you are to Me rather than to any idol be it an object or person, there is no difference in My Eyes. There is more testing ahead, much more refining as My fervent heat becomes hotter as it was in the times of Daniel and the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. My Children I am with you, I shall be with you, I have always be with you and will be so unto the end of the Age as it is written in My Holy Scriptures.

Yes, I have promised that I shall never leave you nor forsake you. You will stand by faith on all I have promised in My Word which is why I say to you this day as it is written. ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God’

In the days ahead the enemy shall entice many away and come to you as an angel of light, he will attempt to attack your Achilles heel. It is now time My Beloved to fast yet even in this you cannot do it without My strength. The flesh counts for nothing for those who walk in the flesh shall die but those who walk in My Spirit shall have Life and Peace. I say to you this Day, walk in the Spirit and do not satisfy the lusts of your flesh.

My Children, do not fear these instructions, do not say to yourself ‘I can’t do this’. For a truth you cannot do it without My help, remember you can do nothing without Me. Come to Me often, daily so I can fill you with My Holy Spirit so you can walk as I did. You will walk in the power of My Most Holy Spirit and the Comforter shall strengthen you enabling you to do all that I ask and more.

Now is the time to fast, fast, fast. For some it is a consistent practice, for others it has been a partial fast and to others this has remained an element left with fear. Do not be afraid My Children, I love you all equally, the Holy Spirit shall help you. Children I am able to do this through you.

So I say to you this Day My Bride present your bodies as a living sacrifice which is acceptable and pleasing to My Father. For God is spirit and the Father seeketh such as to worship in spirit and in truth.

My Remnant, My Bride, My Children, the path to Life is narrow and few are they who find it. When I speak plainly that only a few find it is as it is written. The path to Life is not in the multitudes, neither the many but in the few. When I say few I mean few. You must take Me at My Word. Yet I say to you ‘Be not afraid’ for with man it is impossible but everything is possible with God.

My Children, hearken unto My Voice alone for I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life. There is only ONE Way and I, Jesus am the Way. The path is truly narrow and few will find it. The path to destruction is broad and leads to below. I am from above.

Consecrate yourselves, surrender all aspects of your life to Me this Day. Forsake all, give everything up for My Names Sake. Everything you hold dear I ask you give it up. Lay down any devoted things or people in your life. Lay down men’s teachings, all of it, books, conferences, trinkets, concerts no matter how godly you think they are. I tell you the truth though they look good on the outside they walk in step with the ungodly and take wicked counsel from those around them. I do not know them Beloved. Hearken unto Me I am from above they are from below, I do NOT know them, come away from all of them.

My Children, every word you need is from My Holy Spirit, I say again I am from above and all men’s teachings are from Satan himself who disguises himself as an angel of light as do his disciples. These people do not have in mind the things pertaining to God neither have in mind the things of heaven, only My Father has heaven in mind.

My Children, hearken unto Me, do not be deceived, the deception is far greater than you can ever imagine such are the devices of Satan. Hearken for even the elect are on the precipice of the great delusion and deception.

You must listen to Me My Children for what lays ahead shall indeed test even the elect. I ask you to walk by faith and not by sight for I say this to warn you that you will see many blasphemous acts and sights never witnessed before. Hold on tightly to what you have and to all those things that lead to eternal life. Do not consider even your life for those who lose their lives for My sake shall gain eternal life. Do not consider the flesh in any wise way because soon all flesh shall be destroyed and only the incorruptible shall remain. I say to you now, remain in Me for without Me you can do nothing.

Stand fast I say, Hearken unto My Words only. Listen not to any so-called godly men, though they look and speak well. My Gospel, the True Gospel has yet to be preached in power as in the beginning. Listen not to this strange Gospel that is preached now, truly I tell thee I am NOT in it. Hearken unto this truth for I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life.

Who has forsaken all for the True Gospel? Where do you see the power of God manifesting in these so-called churches? There is no power, Satan has sorely deceived multitudes and they all walk in the flesh and not in the Holy Spirit. I say again, do not be deceived. Though following Me shall cost you your life you will gain eternal life with My Father for salvation is enough, it has always been enough. Truly I say to you this Day, those who shall endure unto the end shall be saved. Stand fast therefore in the might of the LORD and do not waiver or doubt.

I am coming as the Lion of Judah and who shall escape His roar?

Hearken My Children unto My Messengers for they have forsaken all for the Kingdom of God and shall in no wise way lose their reward. Yet even in this My Beloved there is more refining to do with the coming of My Fire.

Come away My Children, come away I say from all man-made churches for Judgment has come even NOW to these abominable places of fornication and witchcraft. Do not be deceived for I am NOT in any of these places.

My Holy Spirit is your teacher who resides on the inside of you, a gift from My Father. My Church are My People, My Bride, My Remnant, My Children, this is My True Church for I am the True Vine and My Father is the Husbandman. I am the Chief Cornerstone the stone the builders have rejected. My Children the man-made church have rejected you because they have rejected Me and rejected the Father who sent me as I have sent you.

Do not be deceived …… Do not be deceived …… Do not be deceived…..

My Bride let me wash your feet, you must let Me wash your feet for if you do not you shall have no part with Me or enter into My Kingdom. My Father desires a spotless Bride, a Holy people consecrated and surrendered wholly unto Me, only then shall My Bride be fit for the Kingdom of God.

Yes, hearken unto My Voice, hearken unto My Holy Spirit for the Spirit brings life and peace but the flesh brings death.

Fire is coming My Bride with much fervent heat. I say this Day surrender all of your life unto Me into My Hands for truly I say to you I shall have no other gods before Me, least of all that of self.

I love you My Children and it is only by My Spirit are you able to walk with Me and do the things I ask of you.

Choose My Children, choose each Day whom you shall serve for you are to pick up your cross daily, yes daily. Consecrate yourselves Beloved into My care, take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for I am humble and gentle in heart and in Me you shall find rest for your souls.

Fast ….. fast ….. fast …… Pray without ceasing. Though the spirit is willing the flesh is weak.

Trust Me My Children, My Bride, I am more than able to bring you through every storm, every fire. I can do immeasurably more than you dare imagine. Trust Me, believe in Me for I am always with you until the end of the Age.

I am He who is from the Beginning……

I am He who is the End …..

I am the Alpha and the Omega

Is My arm too short? Am I not able to accomplish that which I please? For nothing is too difficult for Me, nothing My Children.

I am that I am


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