Do Come Out From Among Them, My Child
December 25, 2020 8:05 AM
Brian Ethier
My child, have you heard that trumpet sounding,
And have you heard the messenger’s call?
You must flee from all sin and sect confusion,
And do come to Zion, one and all.
Come out, my child, come out from among them,
Hurry, do come out from among them,
Oh, may you not partake of her sins;
Come out, my child, come out from among them,
Yes, hurry, do come out from among them,
For you see, her judgment it already begins.
Go sound the tidings all over creation,
Do let Father Yahuah Elohim’s faithful children know;
Turn away from all sinful sects and all division,
And separate them all down here below.
Do you hear that voice from Heaven, brother,
Do heed the warning and decide to comply today;
Do leave all the names and all the creeds of Babylon,
And you take the Holy Bible way.
Yahusha HaMashiach has said, “My people know Me,
And My voice they will obey;
So if you are truly Mine, you will prove it,
Just by doing what I say.”
Do come out from among the, my child,
Do come out from among them,
For you see, her judgment it already begins!