Divine Protection
June 10, 2019
My daughter, write My words for those with ears to hear. My children, what burdens you today. Lay it at My feet. Remember no situation remains the same, as you live in a world of constant change. Yet, I remain the same through all of the yesterday’s and all of the tomorrow’s. Cast your burdens upon Me, My children. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Are you allowing Me to give you My rest to My children, or do you continue to struggle against the darkness on your own. Yes, there is a learning process here, but you will feel the heaviness that weighs upon you lifting if they’ll trust. Trust Me to carry you through whatever it is that you are facing. No weight is too great for you to bear when you allow Me to do the heavy lifting. No heart is too broken for Me to mend. I am your supplier, and I supply in abundance, but many fail to see Me, thus they are blind to receiving what I offer them. Do not allow yourselves to be a victim of your circumstance. If you are sinking, My hand is open and within your reach to grab. I promise My children this. Reach now. Take a hold of My hand. I delight in helping, My children. I wish for all to see this. I am by your side when you’re feeling alone. If you reach for Me, I will surely grab a hold of your hand and bring you to safety. I am your shield and buckler. I am your strength when you have none left. Look upon your situations not with your own view but with mine. If you remain on your own, you will flounder, but with Me, your victory is already complete. Place your faith in Me, My children. Allow Me to renew what has been taken from you. Allow Me to repay what the enemy has stolen from you. Allow Me to be your restoration. What is your question, My children? I am the answer. I love you, My children. Yeshua Ha’Mashiach (Remember Psalms 30:5)