Distinct Authority in the Septuagint Scriptures
May 8, 2020 5:22 PM
Immanuel Acree
December 5, 2019 ·
I dreamed that I was about to ride a flying horse to land on a mountain in Greece, and I was picking out a Bible to take with me and read to the Greeks before mounting up. Greece seemed to be as if south of me, so I may have been standing in England.
The Bible I was about to take was a specific black King James Bible with gold letters on the front that I bought years ago. No other Bible appeared to me.
Before I had this dream, the night before, I had just posted a photo online of a New American Standard Bible passage from Revelation. I own many Bibles most of which are New American Standard (NASB) or similar modern renderings. That old KJV is not even with me; I left it in another state and it has been there for years. I hardly even think about it.
I am not a King James-only advocate and never have been. I am also not a part of any “Orthodox” (eastern) church organizations. Most notably, although I had heard some rumors here and there about tamperings with the Old Testament, I never believed that they could matter enough for a deep investigation. Like most Christians I gave it up to a “God is in control” attitude. I let the “experts” translate for me. Per this dream, I have discovered that (while God can and may still use the other Bibles in question) I was very wrong to leave the LXX vs Masoretic theories alone.
This dream has an easy flow to follow.
The KJV Bible was going back to Greece, which connects the two: it turns out that of most English Bibles, it is the KJV which boasts some of the heaviest reliance on the Greek Scriptures–the LXX/Septuagint (excepting of course those that are direct LXX-to-English). The KJV does use Masoretic to a minor extent but for this dream, God honored the KJV for its fidelity to LXX.
The LXX Old Testament was honored by both Jews and Christians as it predates Christ, was translated by the best Jews available to Egypt for the task, and used to educate Gentiles into the faith of that period. Now Masoretic Hebrew renderings that were produced in the Middle Ages by unbelieving Jews do not agree with LXX, but regardless it was that Masoretic that has become the mainstay source material for most English Bibles. Rather inexplicably.
The apostle John warns us,
“Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour…
“Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son.” 1 John 2:18, 2:22
Thus we know that the Bible’s definition of an antichrist extends to anyone who denies Jesus Christ as Messiah and God. The Masoretic Old Testament / Tanakh has come in fact from the bias of antichrist authors who had much to gain from discrediting the LXX.
With this dream, the Lord has brought to my attention that most translations of today such as the New American Standard, the New International Version (also a Bible that omits parts of the New Testament), English Standard Version, and the New Living Translation, with many others as well, rely on the corrupted “Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia” or similar works of Masoretic material. NASB, NIV, NLT, ESV etc– any Bible based on a Masoretic incorporates the work of these antichrist “scholars.”
The Masoretes were unbelieving Jews who produced their own version of the Tanakh after roughly 1000 years of Jewish suppression of Christianity. The contrast between the Septuagint and the Masoretic Bible is no less significant than its faithless origin.
The LXX is available to read online and can be purchased in hard copy as well, albeit a less common product.
Here are some credible sources for further investigation on the discrepancies:
Justin Martyr, 2nd century, accusing Jews of deliberately revising Scripture concerning the Messiah prophecies, roughly five or six hundred years before the Masoretic renderings:
May God bless you in your prayers and discernment in everything.
Immanuel Acree