Demonstrative Nuclear Attack
9/3/24 5:36 PM
Bro. John in Mo.
Dear Saints of God. I will be as brief as possible. Today, Tues. 9/03/24, we had a nice cool cloudy day here in Missouri, and I used this blessing to get the front lawn cut and trimmed here at home. The last twenty min. or so while I was pushing the mower along, I started hearing over and over again in my spirit (many times) “DEMONSTRATIVE NUCLEAR ATTACK.”
The word “Demonstrative” is a word that I don’t think I have ever personally used in all my years here on the planet. In fact, I had to get out a dictionary and see if it was even a word, and if it was a word, what it actually meant. (I’m a dumb Hillbilly) Many times when the Holy Spirit speaks to me, He uses a word that I never use, or I’m not familiar with.
After looking this word up in several dictionaries,
“Demonstrative” means: 1.”Behaving in a way that clearly shows your feelings.” 2. “Serving to demonstrate; explanatory, or illustrative” 3. “Serving to prove the truth of anything; indubitably conclusive.” 4. “Establishing the truth or existence of something; serving as proof, or evidence” 5. “Giving convincing evidence or conclusive proof.”
After getting the grass cut, I got myself cleaned up, and took a 45 min.nap. I had not heard any news until I went online at 3:57 pm.Central Time. I went to Hal Turner’s website and news just broke that Russia has issued a direct warning to the United States and NATO. The warning states: “If Western weapons are used to strike deep inside Russia, the consequences will effect both sides of the Atlantic.” This means the Continental United States. Russia also just in the past day or so, has updated and revised it’s nuclear weapons use policy.
Is Russia going to conduct a nuclear test soon to “Demonstrate” that they mean business with NATO and the U.S? Will they nuke Ukraine, the NATO countries, or the continental U.S. soon? The answer to these questions I do not know, but things are moving VERY fast now, and I just wanted to get this brief word out that I believe the Lord spoke to me just a few hours ago. Get yourself spiritually and physically prepped as best you can. May God Bless and protect us all. Watchman’s warning delivered. Come soon Lord Jesus! Maranatha!
Bro. John in Mo. 9-3-24
Photos courtesy Depositphotos