June 27, 2021 11:33 PM
Genetic Hybrid Super-Soldiers
In the early hours of May 19 2015, I dreamt that I was in large a city full of people going about their daily businesses. Mingled amongst the crowd, I saw some unusually tall, massively built men in military uniform. As I was looking at these 7-8 foot tall beings, a voice said to me ‘genetic hybrid super-soldiers’. Then the dream ended.
Ever since the fall of men, Satan and his fallen angels have been clandestinely trying to destroy men’s DNA (who was created in the image of God) to create giant/Crimea trans-human genetic hybrids (created in Satan’s image). This is the whole reason why God destroyed all living beings in the great flood except for Noah and his family. After the flood, the bible says that Satan continued with this genetic manipulation. With thousands of years of experience, it is obvious that he has almost perfected his creation. Contemporary movies and TV series such as the X-Men series, ‘V’, etc, depict hybrid looking humans. If we read Revelation 9 and Joel 2, it is quite clear that both chapters are talking about genetic hybrid creatures who will be released during the 7 year tribulation to enforce the antichrist NWO system.
Check these links out by various Christian researchers on the genetic engineering/cloning that has been happening for decades behind closed doors:
Steve Quayle:
Tom Horn:
L.A Mazulli:
Rob Skiba:
Demonic UFO Alien/Hybrid Dream 1
On 19 September 2007, I had been reading Michele Dulin’s “Dreams_Visions_of_Our_Future_1st_Ed_06″ ebook. The book deals a lot with UFO/Alien deception in these last days from a Christian perspective. Before I went to bed early that day, I prayed that Lord would give show me some confirmations concerning the reality of UFO’s, aliens and the deceptions they will bring in these last days. I also prayed that the Lord give me the gift of discernment and discernment of spirits.
On 20 September 2007, I had this dream. In the dream I perceived that people were afraid to go out of their house because stories were going around that there had been some cannibal incidents. Later on, I was on a street and across the street were some school girls going to school. They looked very unusual; besides being blonde and good looking they were unusually very tall; I think over 6-2” tall. They looked at me and smiled as they were passing by. As I looked at them something deep inside me said that they were the “Nephilim”.
On 22 September 2007, I watched the movie “Constantine” starring Keannu Reeves. Somewhere in the movie Keannu’s character talks about “half-breeds” living amongst us.
Demonic UFO Alien/Hybrid Dream 2
Early morning of 6 October 2007 I dreamt about some very beautiful, blonde looking women who were talking. In the dream they said that they wanted to have sexual relations with men. In my spirit, I heard or I said to myself, “Unless the Holy Spirit gives you discernment, you won’t be able to figure out that these are the hybrid, Nephilim beings.
Jesus warned in Matthew 24:37 “As it was in days of Noah so shall it be when the Son of Man comes back”. What was happening in the days of Noah? According to Genesis 6, the angels that fell mated with the daughters of man to produce hybrid “Nephilim” giants. And not only that, according to the Book of Enoch, they mated with birds, animals, fishes, etc which produced the minotaurs, centaurs, mermaids and other weird creatures we hear so much about in ancient mythology. It was a reality back then – pre-flood and post-flood. That is why God destroyed the whole earth with the flood except Noah and his family. Genesis 6:12 says “God looked upon the earth and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth”. I highly recommend that you watch Rob Skiba’s excellent Christian video ‘Mythology and the Coming Great Deception’ and ‘The Mount Hermon Roswell Connection’ which is available on YouTube.
Demonic UFO Alien/Hybrid Dream 3
I dreamt on 15 December 2007 that small alien capsules (like the small aliens in the movie Alien 2) had fallen to the earth. Then I dreamt that the aliens had grown up and were interacting with us. A time came and they put out a mandate that all “male human” beings were to be killed. Then the dream ended
One of Satan’s goal is to kill all 100% pure human beings that are on the planet earth who were made in the image of God. And replace them with genetically modified, hybrid, super-human Nephilim beings as shown in the movies like the X-Men and the Avengers series. Still on his never ending quest to become the Creator God, Satan wants to create beings that are made in his image!
Demonic Beings Attacking People
I dreamt early morning of 17 May, 2015, that I was standing on the foot of a hill. All of a sudden, I could sense this fearful, dark, foreboding spirit coming against me. I then felt urged to run up the hill. On the hilltop was a tall apartment tower block. As soon as got to the top of the hill, I felt urged again to run right up to the topmost apartment. As soon as I got there, there was a large screen playing. On the screen, I could see a scene played out where demonic looking dogs were attacking and mauling people everywhere. Then the dream ended.
As we get closer to the 7 year Tribulation, Great Darkness is going to cover the whole earth and inter-dimensional portals or the gates of hell as described in Revelation 9 are going to be opened. It is going to let out horrific, heinous looking demonic beings who will literally and physically manifest and attack people everywhere. Only, those who are close to God as represented by the tower (Psalm 18:2), are guaranteed supernatural protection and provision. Check out this Vicious Wolves dream from brother Augusto Perez, it confirms this dream.
“They Live Amongst Us” !!!
Just before waking up on April 24, 2016, I dreamt that I was washing a car on a little stream right on the border of our farm land. As I was doing so I felt that someone was looking at what I was doing. As I looked up, about 30m away on the roadside, I saw my neighbor looking at me in a strange way. By his looks I could tell his intentions were not good. Then the scene changed, I was up on the roadside. And before I knew it, a hideous werewolf type of creature came charging at me. It was about 20 to 25 foot tall. I knew it would viciously maul and eat me alive if I did nothing. It was just meters away from me when I pointed at it and said “In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you. Disappear right now!” And the creature quickly vanished away from my sight.
As we move closer to the 7 year Tribulation, the bible mentions in Revelation 9 that inter dimensional gateways/doorways are going to open up and release millions of hideous demonic creatures who are hell-bent on destroying humanity especially believers. Those who are walking close to God will have power and authority over these demonic entities. Those who are not will be dead meat to these beings. As shown in the dream, many of these beings are walking amongst us right now and appear as humans. It takes the Holy Spirit gift of discernment to see these beings of who truly they are. This reminds me of an alien type of movie released a few years ago titled “They Live Amongst Us” !!!
Armies of the Nations to the Rescue
After quite time this morning, 1 April, 2019, I had a vision again of a large hole or crack that had formed on the ground. I had the impression that sooner or later huge, hideous, demonic creatures were physically going to come out these holes and attack the population. I then saw soldiers with machine guns standing around the entrances of these holes waiting to shoot anything that came out. I had a similar dream in early 2018.
I believe a time is coming, most probably in the 7 year Tribulation when large holes or cracks will appear on the ground all over the world which would let out huge, hideous, demonic creatures that would attack the population. The nations of the world would have to resort to sending their armies to guard the entrances of these holes with the order to shoot anything that comes out of these holes.
Giants in the Tribulation:
Sometime in September 2017, I had a very short dream where UN soldiers in stripe blue “blue-berry camouflage” uniforms fighting a fierce looking giant at least 20m -30m tall in a wooded forest. They were no match for the giant.
Jesus said in Matthew 24:37 King James Version (KJV). “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”. So we should be expecting to see giants again in the 7 year Tribulation, just before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to a story where in 2002 “U.S. Soldier Claims To Have Shot & Killed A 12-Foot Giant In Afghanistan” –
Demons Fear The Name Of Jesus
I had this short dream in early 2018. I saw numerous UFOs descending upon the earth. Then I saw myself run and hide in various places like byways, alleys, etc, from these grey aliens that were hunting me down. It seemed that wherever I hid myself they were able to find me quickly. And once they cornered me I was completely helpless. They seemed to immobilize and paralyze me. This dream repeated about 3 times. In the third time, when they cornered me I managed to rebuke them in Jesus name and they backed off and disappeared.
When I had this dream in early 2018, I did not think much of it. Only in mid-2019 did the Lord remind me that it was from him and it had some deep spiritually meanings to it. The UFOs and grey aliens represent the demonic hordes that will be released on the earth during the coming 7 year tribulation. Only those who are abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ will be able repel them. Resistance against them with our own human physical strength will be futile.
UFO’s-Aliens Given Authority To Attack Unbelievers
They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land. Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. (Isaiah 13:5-6)
In 2016, I had a dream where I was in a field with a group of people. In the distance i could see huge number of UFOs approaching disguised as fast approaching dark, gray clouds. I told the people to look at the UFOs. They could not see anything except clouds and they began to scoff and mock me.
Then the scenario changed. I was standing on the bank of a large river about 5 miles from our place with a group of people who I believe were Christians. On the opposite side of the river, there was also a lot of people standing on the banks of it. I believe they were unbelievers. All of a sudden, giant, dark, gray, reptilian like creatures with huge wings began to land among them. I was horrified. These 10 – 15 foot creatures began to attack the people. Then I heard a loud voice behind me say “God has given them authority to attack them”. I then began to plead the blood of Jesus over our lives then the dream ended.
When the 7 year Tribulation starts, those who have heard the gospel but refuse to humble themselves and repent will be given over to the devil and his demonic hordes to be punished and destroyed. On the other hand, God will protect his own.
Fake Rapture/Evacuation Dream
In February 2018, I dreamt i was sharing about the last days to two of my relatives but they did not want to listen. This was in a city setting at night. In the spirit i knew it was a few minutes to midnight. I looked up in the night sky and i saw a number UFOs hovering way up, barely visible.
Then the scene changed. In the spirit i knew that thousands or millions of UFOs had landed all over the world. They were not as big as the ‘Independence Day’ movie mother ship UFOs but still big enough to hold thousands in each ship. People of all nationalities voluntarily lined up in the massive entrance doors of these UFOs. There were a number of lines and I was amongst them. In the spirit I knew exactly what was happening to the people once they were processed. The funny thing is that there were a number people in the lines who had guns and ammo with them. In desperation I grabbed the gun of someone standing by and threatened the people standing around me and blurted out ‘Do you know they are harvesting humans for food. And that they are also harvesting the souls of the people’. To my surprise a number of them said, ‘We know exactly what is happening’. I felt the overall attitude of the gullible people was ‘shut up and go with the flow’. I knew I could not help them. They were deceived. Beyond help!. So I fled from that scene as quickly as i could in a car with a small boy.
I later asked the Lord about the dream. I felt like the Lord said that the coming strong delusion will be so strong even on those who know much about the NWO. But not on those who had a close relationship with God and know what the devil is doing these last days. We can be Christians yet be ignorant to what the devil is doing in these last days. The bible says in 2 Co 2:11 “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices”. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 TH 2:11-12)
Here is a link to the devil’s fake rapture/evacuation plan:
I’ve read in several places that for decades they have been able to transfer a human soul to genetic hybrid beings they have created. The global elite already have these technology and this is shown clearly in the movie ‘Avatar’. Maybe that’s the case with the soulless black eyed kids????
Here’s an interesting link confirming UFOs harvesting of humans: