August 26, 2021 2:21 PM
Lynne Johnson
Word (1st) received February 26th, 2021 at 11:53 PM
My Children, I AM here to tell you that deep darkness is coming upon the earth and the people. This is not just a figure of speech but of actual fact. The darkness is very soon upon all. It is this darkness that you MY Warriors of Faith must be ready for. It will be unlike anything ever experienced on this earth. During Moses’s time darkness was experienced by MY People and those of Egypt, not the entire world. This darkness will cover the entire earth for three (3) days and this darkness will be felt by ALL PEOPLES. It will be so thick that light will only be seen a few inches from your face. It will also be DEADLY, AS THOSE CAUGHT OUTSIDE IN IT WILL NOT SURVIVE UNLESS THEY ARE ABLE TO BE IN A LOCKED CAR, AND THEY ARE BELIEVERS IN ME. THIS IS WHEN THE DEMONS WILL BE RELEASED FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL AND ANY HUMAN CAUGHT OUTSIDE IN THIS WILL BE KILLED. THE DEMONIC REALM WILL ONLY BE INTENT ON KILLING ANYTHING THAT WILL BE OUTSIDE DURING THIS TIME. HUMAN AND ANIMALS WILL BE THEIR PREY. Therefore as I have told you, you must be ready for this time. Arrange for your family to be together at this time, as believers in ME will be protected in your homes.
YOU MUST COVER ALL WINDOWS AND LOCK YOUR DOORS BEFORE THE DARKNESS DESCENDS. You will be given a two (2) warning before this darkness descends. You will see Aurora Borealis lights in the sky during the day and the nights before the darkness descends. The darkness will come upon ALL THE EARTH AT THE SAME TIME, AROUND 12:00PM NOON TIME. TIME WILL ALSO APPEAR TO STOP. Please understand that you will need to have enough water and food to last for the full 3 days of darkness. You must not, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, OPEN YOUR DOORS OR WINDOWS DURING THIS TIME. To do so, will allow demons entry to your home. Believers in ME will be unharmed but all unbelievers will be harmed! Also you will hear noises outside, both voices, animal like sounds and screams. You may also hear voices that sound exactly like someone you know, a neighbor or a relative. UNDERSTAND THIS,NO HUMAN CAN SURIVE THIS DARKNESS. ANYTHING THAT YOU HEAR IS A DEMONIC ENTITY TRYING TO DECEIVE YOU INTO OPENING YOUR DOORS. The voices may appear to beg you to let them in. Do not fall for this deception! Do not allow anyone in your household to do so.
I REPEAT, NO HUMAN IS ABLE TO SEE OR MOVE ABOUT IN THIS DARKNESS! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO SO, SO DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE VOICES. My Chosen Ones will have light in their homes, while other believers will need candles. Be prepared for this. Only MY Chosen Ones will be able to use their fridges and freezers. There will be no power for most during this time. As I have told you, you must keep ALL CHILDREN AWAY FROM THE DOORS AND WINDOWS AS THEY MUST NOT OPEN THEM. You will need to stay physically together during this time. DO NOT SEPARATE AS THERE IS SAFETY IN BEING TOGETHER. ALL believers will have angelic protection OUTSIDE their homes so you will be protected, as long as you listen to MY instructions that you are NOT TO OPEN YOUR DOORS OR WINDOWS FOR ANY REASON!!! Believers and MY Chosen Ones will be praying to ME during this time of darkness. Pray for peace and calmness of spirit especially for non-believers and children. IT WILL BE GRANTED.
I, KING YESHUA AND MY FATHER WILL VISIT EACH HOUSEHOLD AND PERSON. NO ONE WILL BE MISSED. This will be a last chance for unbelievers to understand and accept ME into their hearts. Those that do not accept then will experience pain and anguish, and some will get another opportunity during MY Harvest of Souls. This is a short time which will follow the three (3) days of darkness. I wish none to perish but some will not choose wisely even during this time. It will be their choice. Again I say to you prepare for this time. Once you see the lights in the sky, the Aurora Borealis, get your family together and stay together. Do not allow family to go to work as the darkness descends at noon time, and many will not make it to safety. Do your best to ensure that your family listens to you. Once the darkness descends, they will begin to understand the importance of being safe together. Again I will repeat MY WARNING — DO NOT OPEN YOUR DOORS FOR ANY REASON. NO HUMAN CAN SURVIVE IN THIS DARKNESS WHICH CAN BE FELT AS WELL AS SEEN. No human can see anything in this darkness so it would be impossible for any to find a way to your home. Any voices begging to come in and be safe are not humans, they are evil demonic entities intent on killing any humans that they are able to. They can and will imitate voices of your friends, neighbors and relatives. DO NOT BELIEVE ANY VOICES THAT YOU HEAR OUTSIDE. Do not open your doors early, BEFORE THE FULL 72 HOURS HAVE PASSED. You must be obedient to MY instructions for the safety for those in your homes.
As I have said all believers will have MY angels protecting your homes so no evil will be able to force an entry to your home. However, if you open your doors or windows, then you are allowing them entry to your home. DO NOT DO SO. Be wise, MY Children and follow MY instructions and all will be well. During My and MY Father’s visit to your homes, MY Chosen Ones, MY Warriors of Faith, will be anointed and transformed. This will be apparent to all. My Warriors of Faith are to wait for their instructions which will come to them after the 3 days of darkness. Be ready, My Children, MY Chosen Ones, for you will never be the same again!
Your King Yeshua, Your Redeemer, Messiah and your soon-to-be Bridegroom
Are you excited?
Scriptures given:
Isaiah 26:20 NKJV
“Come my people, enter your chambers and shut doors behind you; Hide yourself as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation is past.”
Isaiah 60:1 NKJV
“Arise shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people, but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.”
Joel 2:2 NKJV
“A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, like the morning clouds spread over the mountains.”
Amos 8:9 NKJV
“And it shall come to pass in that day, says the Lord God, that I will make the sun go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in broad daylight.”