Deception in Kind!
December 20, 2023 8:29 PM
December 20, 2023
Matthew 7:16-20(KJV) 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Learning is a continouse process. We learn through our senses, we learn through school, we learn through work, we learn from our mistakes but most of all, if not best of all, life is a teacher and the right kind of learning is by the holy spirit for it is written “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”John 14:26(KJV)
I am guided by the Lord, through the holy spirit to see specific events. In a way I never anticipated and expect, I am lead to see deception by the enemy in kind. Without going further, there are countless many lessons I learned as to how the enemy deceives in the open and in secret.
We have been instructed to get rid of what attracts evil elements and demonic entities. These evil spirits enter everything, humans- possessing turning them to demonic entities, inanimate objects like curved wood, metal, ornaments, garments etc.
The same, who celebrated Halloween are now ready to celebrate “Christmas.” Here are few examples for the times and the seasons from different avenues of deception the enemy uses. I have tried to omit/conceal the names and identities of the personalities in this message but I know each one of them for they are well known to the wide world.
1. The popular singer(name is not necessary)
This is a well known popular singer who had many followers. We know, singers, musician, actors, those who are in the entertainment industry as a whole are not serving the Lord. They are in the world, living the world, lovers of the world, not lovers of God. Whoever and wherever they are and in whatever time they live, as the scripture instructs us, you shall know them by their fruit for evil can’t bear good fruit.
This well known singer has lived her life singing and entertaining her followers, became very popular, published man albums, became rich and famous. At the end she died. I am watching the news in the media showing her funeral ceremony with many cars and followers parading the confine. The Lord showed me that what was in the coffin was “a black dog” not a human being. No further word is needed.
2. The Christmas carol(identity is not necessary)
I rememeber It was the Christmas of 2017. Like every one, I am into Christmas celebration with what Christmas demands and the songs. As I like to sing worship songs, for the season, I am into the “Christmas carols” I liked the setting of the stage, with all the decoration and the lightings, the well dressed coral singers and the cozy people in a big concert hall. I remember three well dressed lady singers leading the choir. To my surprise, in a vision, the Lord revealed to me that one of the three Christmas Coral singer is revealed as a demon. I didn’t see a human face what I saw is a typical contorting evil demon which is short naked and skinny.
It was at that point, from the instruction given by the Lord, I gave up listening all sorts of Christmas songs. Case closed, no compromise. We have to see and listen to what is holly. Everything is not what we think it is. The saying, everything that glistens is not gold, it is true.
3. The Worship song.(Identity is not necessary)
From charismas songs to worship songs, through time. I sing along selected and chosen songs which one can tell from their content, as the spirt guides. This time the same song payed by small grout is presented in a “concert” like setting. This is a big crowd with young and old, singing along the singers on the stage. It is loud, it is very emotional and every one is in the very loud song, shaking the ground. The lead singer is running wild here and there on the stage, jumping up and down. In my mind, I am thinking “what can go wrong, this is worship song” and and coming to my senses “this looks too much far gone,” short of saying “demonic.” The same night, fter I wen to bed, I am given an vision. In this vision, what is revealed to me was, the lead singer, who is running wild on the stage is an evil spirit with frightening red eyes, fanged teeth and scary face. I didn’t see a human face or a human being, what I saw was a frightening evil eyed demon. So far for concert like “worship songs.” Like the Christmas carol, in this worship song, I can hear the Lord say “this was what you have been watching.”
4. She will go to hell(Identity is not necessary).
This hard to tell but I will try concealing the identity of the person. I am not revealing specifics of the person for you will immediately figure out who it is. This is a popular actor, well known and very admired. What the Lord tell us is always a surprise. I have never watched the movie, not interested but I see the picture of the person with a very skimpy well decorated colorful dress. I see a vision with the exact image of the person and I am told “she will go to hell”
5. They demons enter everything unholy.
Without going into much details:-
A-The curved wood-1
By the side of the left side of the steps to downstairs, there is a foot tall curved wood, golden painted with nice dress a hat and a long stick standing like a guard. In a vision, I saw the demon, has entered the curved wood. I didn’t see the curved wood but the demon.
B-The curved wood-2
Long before I walked into this penthouse where I use to live for a year, I saw a vision of three dark skinned individuals sitting around a round table while I am passing by on the air. Low on the ground I hear those three entities say “we are not humans.” At the time, I didn’tunderstand what it means. later, in few days, I found out, in the pent house under the TV are seated three very dark curved wood in the eimages of a man and two women. They do not look good rather they look scary. These are the three entities who said they are not humans. The demons has entered the dark curved woods in thr images of humans.
C-The pillow dress.
There is a pillow where the lady being taken care of is resting her head. The pillow has a dressing with painting on it. The painting is of a round headed cartoon character with big round eyes. In a vision, I saw that cartoon character is a demon which has entered the pillow. I didn’t see the cartoon character, what I saw is a live demon.
The message is:-
-Watch what you see and hear.
-Watch what you amass in your house.
-Watch who and what you adore.
-Guard your soul and
-Worship one true God-The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, The Lord of hosts, The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirt, one almighty God, our Lord, the creator of everything created, the everlasting King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Son of God, one with God, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Light of the world, the bread of life, the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world, the one who bleed and died for all humanity, the risen from the dead, who ascended to heaven and the coming King, the Lion of Judah, the Loving, Kind, merciful God.
Repent, Repent, Repent!
Photos courtesy Depositphotos