Warning, Prophecy, Word

Days of Deception and Distraction Have Come Upon You! – Pamela G.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Days of Deception and Distraction Have Come Upon You!

Pamela G.

Matthew 24:23-26 NKJV

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand. “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it.

Dear Brother’s and Sister’s in Christ. I received this word from the Lord on 12/24/24.

The Lord is warning us and preparing us for the things to come as our enemy ramps up his wicked schemes and devices against the people of God!
Continue to remain steadfast in your faith and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus!
Pamela G.

Word of the Lord:
Do not be deceived My Children! The enemy of your souls is pouring out his deceptions upon you!

You must keep your eyes fixed upon Me and do not look to the right or the left only to the eyes of your Lord and Savior Yeshua, the Messiah.
He alone is King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s!

He is Emmanuel, God with you!
He came as light and hope to this dying world to bring redemption and salvation to your lost souls.
Apart from Him, you have no hope of eternity!

These drones and biologics you see flying in your skies are a myraid of things. Some are conventional man-made devices, others are back engineered craft, and some are made through electro-magnetic and other advanced technological energy sources. Some of these craft work to create visual energy fields (like Project Bluebeam) and some also contain biologic materials and other natural elements which make them appear as living things. Still others are spiritual type craft and shape shifting interdimensional entities which can change form at will.

Some of these things are known to your intelligence sources and others are not. This is why your governments are unable to give you concrete answers about the purpose for these devices flying in your skies, above your neighborhoods near important infrastructure, around military bases, nuclear power plants and such.

Many have been created through black projects working with fallen angels and their cohorts. These craft serve many purposes. Some are used for surveillance, tracking, searching, measuring contaminant levels and the like. Others carry payloads for bio-weapons and other chemicals; some are used for psychological warfare and manipulation.

Beware of all of these things. They serve as both a deception and a distraction to seeking My true path of hope and salvation for mankind through My Son, Yeshua!

The enemy intends to use these many distractions to cause you to fear and to doubt your faith in Me.
Do not allow yourselves to be overcome and overwhelmed by these devilish schemes. Seek My face and remain vigilant in prayer!

Do not be afraid of these things. There is nothing happening that I do not know or see. My angelic agents are surveying your skies as well and keeping a watch over your lives and the affairs of earth.

This is a test run to monitor your reactions as they plan for full disclosure in the near future.

I will not allow them to pull the wool over the eyes of My elect who are aware of these coming deceptions. They are indeed wolves in sheep’s clothing coming to gain your trust as they announce their presence in the earthly realm.

They are ever so fearful of loosing all the ground they have gained in recent years and missing their window of opportunity to deceive the world.

They are coming to steal your light which lives in your hearts through Christ who rules and reigns in the hearts of all those who have accepted and received Him as their Savior and Lord.

They are testing the waters to see how likely you are to receive them when they reveal themselves as your progenitors. They will try to dispel My Word of truth and My Son as creator when all the morning stars sang together as He brought this earth to fruition.

Remember, I Am the light of the world and there is no other beside Me! You can find salvation in no one else!

John 8:12 NKJV
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

Remember, My dear children that I love you and that I will never fail you or forsake you! Even in the darkest of hours I will be your prevailing light! Look to Me and do not fear the things that you will see being revealed in the world. These things must come in preparation for the return of My Son to retrieve His Bride, that where He is, she will be also!

End of word!

Brother’s and Sister’s pray continually for spiritual wisdom and discernment in this coming year most especially as a time of great deception is upon us! Plead the blood of Jesus over your families, homes, communities, states and nations!

The Lord will protect all those who are seeking Him and walking in His truth and righteousness!

Praying for you all! May the peace of Yeshua/Jesus guard your hearts and minds!

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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