Dream, Three Days of Darkness

Darkness Arriving! – Averine Pennington

Darkness Arriving!

March 14, 2020 10:54 PM
Averine Pennington

Dream given to Averine Pennington
March 11, 2020 about 2:00am

I was at my daughter’s home where I usually only spend hours at a time when I am babysitting my granddaughters. I find it unusual that the children were not there. It was not a typical visit. I was on my computer trying to get an urgent ‘Word from God’ out to His people via Facebook and YouTube. When I had completed my task, I found myself cleaning up my daughter’s kitchen. She hates to do that and often her sink is full of dirty dishes. I loaded her dishwasher and then took my leave.

I was driving to my home, but it didn’t seem to be a familiar highway. Somehow, I knew it was going to be a long drive, rather than the 20 minutes or so from where I now live. It was a beautiful day with nice sunny weather, probably early afternoon, because I was leaving in time to reach home before nightfall. I had not been driving long until it seemed as if a dark shadow was descending over the top of me and sort of overtaking me. I could still see the sunny day in front of me in the distance, but the darkness was quickly spreading in front of me blocking out the light. I was in a rural area but was coming upon a small village that had a few houses. There were mailboxes along the roadside and deep ditches. I saw a man at the end of one of the driveways and he seemed to be in a panic as his gaze was fixed on the spreading darkness behind me. Seeing his face made me look in my rearview mirror.

What I saw was terrifying! There was nothing but thick, thick darkness behind me. It was as if I was traveling at the very edge of it as it was spreading. I knew in my heart exactly what I was witnessing. It was the DARKNESS that has been prophesied in the Bible to come at the end of days. God has been using His modern-day prophets to warn about this occurrence for several years now, but the warnings have gone unheeded except for ‘those who have ears to hear.’

This will be the ‘Three Days of Darkness’, just as the Israelites experienced in the book of Exodus, just as Jonah experienced in the belly of the great fish (only the sign of Jonah will be given), and just as our Lord Jesus Christ experienced during the period between His death and resurrection. I believe this is the time that God calls His people to stay inside and shut the door, just as the Israelites were instructed to do (Isaiah 26:20). His people will be protected under the shadow of His wings. (Psalm 91)

I was frantically searching for a place to pull my car over. As I said, there were deep ditches along both sides of the road. I had passed any area that had a driveway. There was no turning back for the Darkness was upon me. All I could do was drive as fast as my car would go. I was actually beginning to FEEL the Darkness as it started to envelope my car. It was pure evil! I was praying for the Lord’s deliverance, but the dream ended before I knew the outcome.

I am not an interpreter of dreams, but I sense in my spirit, that during the beginning of the dream God is trying to tell me a few things. 1) Time is so short . . . I was trying to be ‘about My Father’s business’ by getting His WORD out; 2) The children were missing . . . possibly indicating that the Lord has already taken the innocents to be with Him; 3) I was quickly helping my daughter with cleaning her kitchen . . . a warning to His people to get your houses in order, both spiritually and physically. Be sober, be vigilant, be ready at all times for He comes as a thief in the night. Be a wise virgin with plenty of oil in your lamp

(Matthew 25); 4) The fact that my drive was longer and took a more rural route home may indicate that God has moved me to a more remote location away from the city; 5) The panicked man indicates that so many people have no idea what is coming at the end of days! There are so many lost sheep that still need to hear! They are not prepared for God’s judgments! We, as God’s people, are not to fear. He has told us in advance that these things must come (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation). Every word of HIS WORD will be fulfilled. Jesus commissioned His followers to tell others, to spread the good news (His gospel) throughout the world. Truly the harvest is great, but the laborers are few! 6) The fact that I was praying to the Lord for deliverance . . . I believe that is going to be the response of not only believers, but unbelievers as well. God’s people who live in earnest expectation of their Blessed Hope will put their faith and trust in their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But the judgments that are upon this earth will also herald in the great end-time revival. Hearts that have been hardened towards the gospel will be searching for answers, looking for a Savior. Many who are lukewarm Christians, who have been lulled by the enemy into lazy complacency, will wake up! God is not willing that any should perish! It is because of His great mercy and love for His Creation that He sends these last judgments. It is one last attempt to help mankind realize their need for Him . . . to know that until you draw your last breath, there is still hope. He is giving one last chance for the inhabitants of the Earth to chose life and not death . . . to choose NOW whom they will serve . . . to choose where they will spend eternity!

This dream was indeed so terrifying that I woke up trembling and in tears. I think God allowed me to feel the darkness so I would have a deeper urgency to reach the lost! The evil I felt is just a foretaste of what those who do not choose Jesus will experience for eternity in hell.

Dear Jesus, may you lead me to your lost sheep and may your end-time harvest be magnificent! We know that Satan has already been defeated and your Victory has been won. You are the Alpha and Omega . . . You know the beginning from the end. The story has already been written and God’s Masterplan will be accomplished according to His will. “And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire” (Rev. 20:15). I ask all who read this dream one question,


[pdf-embedder url=”https://444prophecynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Darkness_Dream_3-11-20.pdf”]


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