Ali Winters
‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’ Psalm 46:1
‘…but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses…2 Corinthians 6:4
In my spirit I heard: “I see lightening flashing, I hear thunder roar. It is the sound of division within the nation. The darkness will be illuminated as battle lines are drawn and men take their places – one against another. Events will soon unfold that will bring a great divide to this nation. Tattered and torn threads of the past will litter the halls of once great cathedrals.
Evil waits behind the door. He arrives unnoticed by many, welcomed by others. My children, hear My words of exhortation, My warnings. Trouble is coming, trouble like you have never known before; such will be the future of those who have shunned Me, rejected My Truth and spurned The Holy One of Israel. Dark days await. Millions of eyes have been closed to truth by pastors with an agenda but no anointing. Child be alert, do not settle for second best. Know My Word and know your authority through Jesus Christ.
Times of testing are coming to America. Today or tomorrow, next week or next year, judgment will come. Are you ready for what will happen or have you grown hard to the warnings and tired of the wait? I delay My judgment that you may pray and more will enter into My Ark of safety. Too long you have lounged in luxury, giving little, expecting much. How weak your faith has become. The great and the small, the rich and the poor will see My wrath being poured out upon this wicked and perverse people. All will feel the heat of My wrath as idols fall and temples built to gods of opulence and plenty tumble.
I have not rejected you America, it is you who has rejected Me.”
Knowing we are a body and none labor alone, I would like to share the following. I pray you are encouraged….”you have labored long and hard, know your labor has not been in vain. Words of encouragement, a prayer, a smile shared is a seed planted. Know your labor has not been in vain. Child, you have no idea the darkness, the devastation coming so very soon. (this word came on 3/10, before the attack in New Zealand). You warn, you pray, you warn again yet the majority have closed hearts and minds to My Words. When hard times come be prepared to give an answer to those who fear; give them the hope and peace that lives within you. Share Jesus with all who will listen. Stand up for Truth – stand up even when the majority remain seated and silent, stand up!”
‘Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.’ John 14:27
ali at 8:32 PM