April 9, 2020 12:04 PM
Watchman Marah
A few years back I had an interesting dream that I feel is important for us today. As a prophet and watchman, I attempt to let people know what God is doing. Still, as a intercessor, and all prophets are meant to be intercessors, I have a duty and responsibility to pray for my family, my brothers and sisters in Christ, our churches, our governments.
But it wasn’t until this dream, did strike me hard how I wasn’t being diligent. There are some out there that are going through trials that need a reality check, like I did.
In my DREAM I was working out in the yard and someone came up to me and gave me a basket. I open it to find baby rabbits. Baby bunnies the kids called them. They knew I took in wild animals so I placed them in the yard for a while and got back to work.
The next morning the kids ran into my room crying and holding the basket of dead baby rabbits.
I had forgotten about them and left them UNCOVERED in the cold weather. I felt terrible. Guilty. And I repented.
And God gently spoke to me his message.
“You are not covering your family, friends,
and those you know needs help.”
We have a duty to our family and God’s family to cover them. From plagues, from danger, from spiritual forces of evil. Especially in these last days. It is going to be devastating in weather conditions, economy, wars, oppression, catastrophic events, plagues, etc.
We must be diligent in lifting up our concerns and needs to our God through His Word. Let’s get on our knees for those who do not know Him yet and all who are needing prayer and cover them with the love blanket of our savior. He so wants us to know that the fervent prayers of a righteous man or woman avails much.
Love and blessings. Have a good passover and Feast of first Fruits. (Easter/resurrection
Watchman Marah