
Consequences to Choices Made – LynL

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Consequences to Choices Made

9/13/24 10:06 AM


Much of the time on Earth is wasted by those as they go about their daily lives. They continue their daily grind over and over and over. Each day melds into the next with very little that has any meaning whatsoever. I gave all my children warnings that were echoed throughout the corridors of the world, but to little avail. I now take stronger measures. Measures that will wake the sleeping masses. Each day will bring new heartaches for those who do not know me intimately. All the days spent, not working on a relationship with me, will be mourned. For all this wasted time cannot be recouped. Going forward, they will know the importance of their creator. Those stuck in sins, they do not want to give up, will perish. Those who find their way to my Kingdom will have everlasting life.

Follow the narrow path for it is the only path to my Kingdom. I give life everlasting.


I Am at the door. Nothing is what it seems. Back door policies, lies, subterfuge, hiding of truths, manufactured plagues, hidden celestial bodies, shortage agendas, false flags and more. As we move into new realms of deceit, many of my children will start to wake up to what has been happening. Civil wars and decent against the government will heighten. Safety will be an issue everywhere.

It is important to get close to me, otherwise “peace of mind” will allude you. Each catastrophe is geared to unhinge even the elect. Spend time with me throughout the day, for my presence brings peace. Help others who do not understand what is happening and lead them to I Am. Stay free of sin and avoid all temptations of the devil. The key to my Heavenly entrance is a clean soul which emanates love for others.


Time has drifted away like the sands of the beach. The line has been drawn in the sand, those who wish to be with me and those who do not. I open all options to all my children but free will precludes some from choosing my direction, my wisdom, my righteousness.

When choices are made, there are consequences. Many of my children feel that knowing of me is a free pass with no consequences for their actions.

If my Kingdom is based on love, honesty, integrity and watching out for your fellow man and you do not exhibit these characteristics, then why do you believe you belong in Heaven?

Those who spend time reading my Word and exhibiting the qualities laid out in my Word, are wise. They know their relationship with me and following and exhibiting my Words are what brings them closer to me.

I Am pure light and shine on those who are mine. I give direction when needed. I Am part of you and you of me, as we become one.

Stay close to me now, for evil lurks at every corner and crevasse. Make sure you stay on my side of the fence. For traps and snares will become more prominent and more commonplace. Avoid all pitfalls while negotiating life. Each snare is meant to separate you from me. Do not comply, make sure all sin dies for sin is the lie.


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