Prophecy, Word

Consequences of Decisions – LynL

Photos courtesy Pixabay

Consequences of Decisions

7/30/24 9:57 AM


Each child of mine is responsible for their own actions. Everything that is done is a decision that is made for right or wrong. Conscience efforts are made to steer their vessel in choppy or calm waters. Thoughts go behind all decisions that are made. Will I have consequences by doing this act? Will I be caught or shamed by this direction I am taking? What is the benefit and is that benefit important enough to carry out this decision?

Most decisions, for the worse, are carried out with a me, myself, and I at the forefront of their mind. It is hidden with justifications that it is for their family, that it is necessary for their well-being, and a myriad of alternate reasons which are not just.
Decisions, decisions, decisions. Do I serve self or spirit. Do I do what is right or wrong. These decisions are who you are and will become. Stay out of your flesh to stay out of danger. Stay out of self, to stay in Spirit.
Each decision has a direct effect on your spirit and soul. Make these decisions carefully while pondering answers.



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